The Beast Within

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They stopped walking when they found your choker that was the tracker they were going on. Robin picked it up "Oh I wished to know our friends are okay now please." "Join the club I can't even find BB signal." Cyborg tells Star "Its not Beast boy I'm worrying about." Robin said, a loud growl was heard "Can't locate the source." Cyborg says "Then split up." Robin and the others went in different directions, Cyborg found Beast boy belt "I think ya'll better get over here." The titans meet up with Cyborg showing them the belt the growl was heard again they quickly ran to the sound.

They see a beast  holding you, while having your coat in it's teeth, the beast gently settle you down "Attack!" Robin commanded, Starfire and Raven made their way to your sleeping form, Beast attacks Raven and Starfire causing the whole team to give the beast everything they got. When the smoke went away they see Beast boy in his normal form the gasp in surprise "Uh where am I, why is everybody looking at me like that." Beast boy says as he wakes up 

The titans take you back to the tower to look at what is wrong with you "She is alive but she is in some kind of stance."  "She is probably healing herself." Robin said after Cyborg "And your telling me I did that to her, that's impossible." Beast boy said "We found you with her." Robin tells him "No I wouldn't!, I mean we had a fight but I would never." "She was in your teeth." "That's a lie!" Beast boy yelled at Starfire "I'm going to ask you to keep your voice down." Robin demanded "What's happening to me."

"I'm picking up traces of recombinant DNA, Its not human." "The chemicals at the lab?" Robin questioned "Because of his shape shifting his genetic code was always unstable maybe it's just finally falling apart." Cyborg says "(Y/n)... She's going to be okay right? I mean she's not moving, what have I done." "You need to tell me what happened." "I told you I don't remember any of it we had that argument, I went to my room, I was angry then nothing, claws, a scream, nothing." "Claws and a scream isn't nothing what else." "That's all." "No it isn't, you have to focus." Robin tells him "I am." "You have to remember." "I'm trying!" "Try harder if you can't tell me what happened I have to assumed the worst, I have to put you in jail, you need to remember." "I can't!" Beast boy then started to groan in pain he then turned back into the beast.

He quickly went over to you "Bring him down!" robin yelled, Beast boy threw Cyborg and Starfire out the way he then goes over to you but Robin stopped him "I won't let you get her!" Robin almost won but Beast boy uppercut him Raven knew he was getting to close to you "Azarath Metrion Zinthos." The spell created a barrier around you causing Beast boy to stay away. Starfire blast him making him go through the wall, BB got up from the rumble of the wall and ran "Protect (Y/n) we'll go after him" Robin left with Cyborg leaving Raven and Starfire 

In side your mind:

What the hell is that, a crazy monster beast that is obsessed with you!?" Your other side walks back and forth "That's not just any beast that's Beast boy." "Well isn't that great. Are you stupid, why the hell did you tell him our secret weren't you ashamed of the past." You looked away "This is my team,my family I'm starting small if he accepted me then they probably will too."  "You have another family you know! The biological and the one's your ashamed to think about."  "Its just my dad, and he's busy." "While you old friends are around the world, don't you miss them you guys had so much fun." 

"I do, I miss her so much." Your other side sighed "I do too, she was my favorite." "But that doesn't matter anymore I had to leave, I needed a fresh start." "Yeah but if people have heard the stories they run in terror ha." You hear a scream it was more of an animal sound "Have fun Vanisher." You woke up, you quickly stood up "Rest, you are safe he can no longer harm you." Starfire tells you "Wait, wait no he didn't hurt me he actually saved me." "From what?" Raven questioned, The boys walked into the room except Beast boy "Your awake? are you okay." Robin ask you he quickly walks over to you "I'm okay, wheres Beast boy?"

"Your not going to believes this turns out there are 2 Beast one was Beast boy and the other was Adonis I guess the chemicals affected there DNA." Cyborg says, which didn't answer your question "I know that he saved me, where is he?" You said in a rush "He's outside by the water." Robin tells you, you quickly teleport yourself outside, you see him "So he was the one who hurt you right, not me?" He asked "He broke into the tower to attack you, I sorta got into the mix." "Ugh I can't believe I ate meat, I acted like a jerk I'm sorry, I never meant to bring up the past and call you that." "Heh it's okay you weren't yourself." "Cyborg says the chemicals at the lab messed with my DNA, unleashed something primal." He says "But didn't he gave you an antidote your okay now."

"But that thing that beast came from inside me and it's still there I can feel it." You walk up and sat next to him, you both stared at the water "That's a good thing if it wasn't for you I could've got hurt really bad, the feeling you have inside isn't bad, we both have our inner demons it sounds bad I know but they can really help it just take's time and patience to control them, but as long as we have each other then everything will work out." "I hope me and you will never separate then." you both looked into each other eyes for a moment it was silent, but you both looked away, you got up "You wanna-." "Play video games, you read my mind." he says 

You both left to the tower together 

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