8 | The Proposal

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"Excuse me, Miss Cordelia Rowle has been summoned by the headmaster," a small second year squeaked out, interrupting the Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson that was occurring.

I looked at Tom in confusion who nodded as he gestured for me to leave. With the professor's reassurance, I slowly stood up from my seat before grabbing my bag and making my way out of the classroom.

Abraxas, who always sat at the back of the room with Orion, sent me a worried look to which I simply shrugged as I passed by him.

Stepping out into the hallway, I felt myself start to feel a bit nervous, my hands growing clammy. I had never been asked to visit the headmaster in all of my seven years. It didn't help that we were nearing the end of the school year with only a few weeks until the NEWTS examinations.

As I neared the office, the statue that stood guard automatically moved, revealing a staircase. I moved forward and knocked on the door, slowly pushing it open at the sound of a soft 'come in'.

"You called for me, headmaster?" I said as I neared the desk behind which the current headmaster sat.

Armando Dippet was an old man with fraying white tufts of hair and dark brown eyes that always seemed inviting.

"Ah, yes I did, Miss Rowle. Please take a seat," he said kindly, gesturing with a wrinkled hand.

I pulled back a chair and sat down, looking at him expectantly. "Am I in trouble?" I asked with nervousness as I glanced around the room, expecting to see my head of house to come barreling in.

Dippet let out a small chuckle before shaking his head. "Don't worry, dear, you're not in any trouble. The reason why I've called you here today is that your parents demanded your presence back home," he explained, making my body still at his words.

"Oh, did they tell you why?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"No, however, they insisted it was an emergency and that it is imperative they speak with you. Now, I cannot let you go home just like that but I have allowed them to visit you today for an hour's time in my office," the headmaster said.

I nodded hesitantly, unable to make up any words as I tried to process what he had said. What was so important that my parents couldn't wait to talk about? And why is it that they couldn't send a letter about it? I felt even more apprehensive about the whole situation as I realized that Cornelius wasn't here with me. Whatever they need to discuss, it was clearly about myself.

"I hope that is alright?" Dippet asked, peering at me quizzingly.

I snapped out of it at the sound of his voice breaking through the silence in the room. "Yes, of course it is," I said as I plastered on a fake smile to hide my fear.

"Well, they'll be arriving anytime through Floo. I'll be heading out to give you some privacy," he said with a smile as he slowly got up from his seat. Passing me, he hesitated and gave me a small pat on my shoulder before continuing on and leaving me alone in the large office.

Almost immediately after he left, the flames in his giant fireplace roared and my parents stepped out of them, looking as proper as always as they glanced around the room in distaste.

"They desperately require a new decorator," my mother announced haughtily as she scowled at the small trinkets littered across the area.

"Now, Estelle, remember why we're here. Hello, Cordelia," Father said as his gaze fell on me.

I stood up from my chair and made my way towards them, clasping my hands in front of me and giving a little bow of my head in respect. "Hello Father, Mother. It's nice to see you both again," I said politely as my father led us to a seating area in the large room.

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