Chapter 2

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            Evan winced as he awoke from a twitching and lingering pain from the depths in the centre of his head. "Oh, God." He moaned as he massaged his forehead.

            "Hmm? Where am I?" He mumbled as he observed his surroundings. The ceiling was aligned neatly in white acoustic tiles; a bright ceiling light was shining directly at him that he didn't realize he was squinting all this while. Evan got up and recognized the bed he was lying on – the clean white ubiquitous bed that can be found in any hospitals, and even though he was behind the curtains, the window gave his location away as he could see Mrs. Hawkins's office at the other side of the building.

            "Oh, God. It still hurts." Evan lifted his hand in an attempt to massage his head again; he observed that his hand wasn't actually his hand. He got up, and discerned that his shoes weren't his shoes; or is his jeans and even his top. Basically, he was wearing what Rain Wallace was wearing! In her Chuck Taylors, a pair of uncomfortably taut skinny jeans, and a black sweatshirt that read, "You never got to heaven but you got real close".

            "What is this? What's going on?!" Evan glanced down at his chest, only to witness a much more inflated chest than his usual chest, "Huh? What in the world...?" He blushed, curiously extending his hands slowly to examine 'them'.

            "Rain Wallace? Are you awake?" The nurse withdrew the curtains and peered in. Evan pulled his hands back at full throttle, as though an elastic belt had yanked them away.

            "Hi there!" Ms. Florence, the school's nurse greeted gleefully, gliding in. "I hope you're feeling better now?"

            "What happened? How long was I out?" Evan inquired anxiously, still a little flustered at almost being caught for caressing himself in the boobs.

            "About 2 hours now, honey. You blacked out due to fatigue. It's a miracle you didn't hurt yourself when you fell."

            "Wait... Where's the other girl... I mean... err... guy, who was with me?" Evan stammered nervously, still disbelieving the situation he is currently in.

            "Evan Evans?" She lighted up. "Well, he's apparently, not anything like the rumors," Ms. Florence laughed, exposing her incredibly straight and white teeth. "That young boy is so courteous and polite. He left the moment he carried you here."

            "He WHAT?! NO friggin' way!" Evan raced out of the room, with such haste that Miss Florence could not even react fast enough to utter a word.

                                                                * * *

            Trouble is brewing; he just knows it. Evan Evans could feel his girly chest tightening as he ran across the hallway desperately looking for his body.

            "She had better not be doing anything stupid... She had better not be doing anything stupid... She had better NOT be doing anything stupid." Evan repeated as though chanting a mantra.

            From the corner of his eye he somehow saw an oddity. He turned suspiciously and right out the well-polished window, the silhouette of what appears to be none other than his very own body; was jogging along the football field, which was still overlaid with melting snow.

            "This crazy runt!" He exclaimed to himself and darted toward the field.

                                                                * * *

            "What are you trying to do with my body?!" Evan raised his fist, shouting. By the time he had caught up with his own body, he was already out of breath. "You... explain... yourself...!" Panting and wheezing under his breath, his words were barely audible.

            "Hey there, Evain! Sure took you long enough to wake up." The stranger in Evan's body replied.

            "Who the hell are you calling 'Evain' anyway?"

            "You! You're in my body now, so I simply merged our names together."

            "No, hold it..." Evan gasped, "How'd you even know my name?"

            "Who doesn't? You're the delinquent who enjoy picking fights!" Rain half smiled a crooked smile, and never in Evan's life has he ever had such a strong persistent desire to punch his own face.

            Ignoring the brutal remarks, he resumed, "We have a serious situation here! What on earth are you doing out here anyway?"

            "I'm jogging!" Rain answered innocuously, and a look of confusion emerged on Evan's face. "Huh? What?!" Evan shook his head ferociously. "We are in an extremely dire situation!" Evan grimaced, "How could you be so calm? Some serious horse crap has just occurred!"

            "I know, and it would appear that our bodies have switched," she replied calmly. "But, I suppose I do know how to resolve it."


            "Well, just moments before our bodies switched, we had an accident by the stairwell. Therefore, the cause is clearly due to that incident."

            "How can you be so sure?" Evan asked doubtfully.

            "All you need to do is calmly trace back the events that led up to a particular incident, and as long as you know the root of the cause, you can easily derive at the answer to switching back." She responded with confidence.

            "I'm amazed you aren't even a little surprised or anxious."

            "But I'm somewhat certain that the key to switching back lies at the stairwell. If you couldn't figure that out yourself, you're comparatively dimwitted to what the rumors describe you to be."

            "Okay fine, then let's go! To the stairwell, NOW."

            "There's no rush, isn't it? Why not let me borrow your body for awhile more!"

            "What? No!!" He shrieked, in a girl's voice that he probably didn't even realize that it came out of his mouth. "We have to fix this now!" Evan was literally gasping for air. "How can you be so calm in the first place?"

            "Relax. Worrying is interest paid before it comes due; the real man smiles when in times of trouble." Rain half smiled again.

            "You gotta be kidding me."

            "There, there, Evain. You worry too much. Some times complex things are simpler than it looks."

            "Explain to me why am I the only one freaking out?"

            "C'mon, just a teeny weeny while more. Please?" Rain begged as she pouted 'his' lips. It was a horrendous sight to behold.

            "Sorry but I can't wait that long. It appears that your body needs to pee."

            Rain appeared hesitant, and Evan could only assume that she still refuses switch, but didn't want him to go to the toilet with her body.

            He pressed on, "Seriously, it's either we head for the stairs now, or I will go to the ladies."

            "Fine." At long last, she reluctantly agreed, pursing her lips.

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