Episode 29: Discovery

Start from the beginning

I blinked twice. "Hmm? That guy...sure doesn't give up huh?"

After I said that, Mercury attacked Yang once more. And the moment Yang retaliated, Mercury's leg broke.

"Goddamn!" Raynor's face winced.

"What the hell happened?" Lupin was surprised.

I scoffed. "Heh. He gets what he deserved. Why did he attack her when he's clearly out of aura?"

Just then, several Atlesian soldiers surrounded Yang and pointed their guns at her. "Oh no. The people are sure to feel uneasy after witnessing a brutal scene." I said.

Lupin's eyes narrowed. "Huh? Hold on. Theo, look at that huge screen."

I raised my eyebrow in curiousity. "What do you mean?" I did what Lupin told me to do. What we saw from the Observer's POV and what happened on their screen are two different things.

I frowned. "What the hell just happened..." I went thoughtful.

"Hey...his leg. Is it going to be okay?" Says Raynor.

"Of course. That part of his is not made of flesh anyway. I bumped into it once but never actually cared for it. I thought everyone already knew back then." I said.

And yet why? Why are they acting as if his actual leg is broken? I say in my mind.

And before I can think of more clues, an unimportant terran officer barged into our rooms to report something.

"Excuse me sir. I have a report." Says the officer.

"Speak." Says Raynor.

"The Protoss discovered a Zergling corpse near our area. And it seems that some Zerglings are around the area as well."

I bit my thumb and frowned. "So they made it here too huh?"

Raynor frowned and immediately gave an order. "Kill those things! Make sure no one finds out about them!"

The officer nodded. "The Protoss has already sent out some of their Dark Templar warriors to take care of it."

Raynor looks down, thinking about something.

"Looks like we'll be staying in this planet for a while Theo. And personally, I think it's wise to inform that important person of yours about our existence. Since we'll probably be fighting the Zerg out in the open." Says Raynor and then, he walks out of the room.

I sit down quietly and hold my hands together while thinking what Raynor just said.

"What now Theo?" Lupin had a blank expression.

I closed my eyes and sigh. "I guess we have no choice in the matter. Let's go with your suggestion."

Lupin was clueless. "About what?"

I opened my eyes and stood up. "About suddenly showing up out of nowhere. We'll head there tomorrow while wearing our Protoss gears. Of course, we'll sneak our way through. I'd like to avoid unwanted attention if I can help it. I'll explain everything to the Professor."

Afterwards, the officer went back to our room. "Excuse me but, Raynor needs to see you both at once."

I sigh. "Let's go." I said after I shut down the tv from our room.

* * *

After walking for about 10 minutes, we arrive at the meeting room. "Ah, Theo. I bring grave news." Says Fenix.

"What is it?" I crossed my arms while asking.

"Those so-called Grimms are somehow heading towards a single area and it all leads to that City of yours."

I went thoughtful. I guess that was too much for them to handle huh?

"Unto the next problem. Our scouts have spotted a Zerg camp far from our base. They started to build their base and attacked some of the people living near their area. Forgive me but I decided to save those people. By doing so, they have discovered our existence. The Grimms attacked us as you've previously stated and we retaliated." Fenix explained.

I closed my eyes. "Hmmm." I groaned in frustration and grit my teeth. "HNNGGHH!"

I swing my hand in the hair in a curved motion and slammed my fist on the wall beside me. "Gahh! Damn it all! Raynor. If possible, can you build a refugee camp near our base? We can't afford to let word of our existence to spread out just yet. Not when we're clearly unprepared." I explain.

"Consider it done." Raynor nodded.

I turn to face Fenix. "Fenix, sorry about this but can you bring those people here? And after that, I want you to search for more people that are victims of the Zerg attack. There may be more. Fight to your heart's content but don't go too overboard. I'll do my job and talk to someone important about our existence."

Fenix nodded. "As you will!" And then, he cuts off the transmission.

"Lupin, get our things ready. We shall depart tonight where people are less active."

Lupin nodded. "Sure thing."

And there's that problem about the tournament. Something feels off about Yang's fight. Plus all those Grimms reacting after that incident. I say in my mind.

Lupin places his hand on my shoulder. "Calm down Theo. It's not like you to get so agitated."

I tilted my head to look at him and then, hang my head down afterwards and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Yeah. Maybe I'm just tired after all the fighting we've been through. I need to get some rest. Wake me up when night arrives." I said as I slowly walk out of the meeting room.

* * *

After sleeping and resting for a few hours, Lupin woke me up. He was eating something from his plate.

"Hey Theo, time to wake up. Evening is here. We need to get ready." Says Lupin.

I rise up and stretch my arms as I yawn.  "Dinner huh? How thoughtful of you." I said.

Lupin weakly smiled. "Things...don't really look too good back at the Academy."

"What do you mean?" I asked after getting my plate from the table.

"Team RWBY...they're disqualified. And people have been saying bad things about the students in Beacon." Says Lupin after finishing his dinner.

I closed my eyes and sighed. "I see." And then, I started my dinner.

On the screen was people getting ready for another fight. After my meal, I immediately took a short bath and changed into my protoss gears.

"I guess we'll be seeing them soon." I said as I take my trusted old partner with me and stuff it inside a small backpack.

"Yeah." Says Lupin. "Let's go."

We hop on board on a small Protoss ship with a cloaking device and went on ahead. We brought our backpacks with us and ready ourselves for the meeting with Professor Ozpin.

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