Chapter 9

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It has been a week since I skipped school , a week since I met the handsome devil, and a week since my mom almost murdered me for skipping school. If it wasn't for Aby , I would have been dead by now.

Two days after the incident with the handsome devil Aby went to the same restaurant with Tyler on a date , and the handsome devil ended up sending me what I ordered that Monday as an apology, I mean who doesn't like free food?. It turns out he doesn't work there , he was just helping his mom the owner because they had short on waiters. He is just here for two weeks to visit his family since he is already in college.

I don't care anyway because I will never see him again , and the thought alone brings me joy.
I finished my exams on Friday , today is Monday and next week we will be getting the results. I don't even care about the result because I already got into the college of my choice, plus I know I did well anyway.

In two weeks I will be going to college I honestly cannot wait. I just feel like I really need a change of environment.
"I wrote down a list of things we can do in these two weeks before going away , but you tell me where you wanna go first"Aby says.

We are just chilling in my room as usual. "You are forgetting that I am grounded for a week and if I remember correctly it's because someone made me skip school then my mom found out and now I'm grounded." I say while giving her an 'are you serious?' Look , "I don't plan on getting in any more trouble , I would love to go to college in one piece. Thank you very much." I say and ignore her complaints.

"Oh come on! The punishment isn't that bad , plus we get to eat your mom's food every time we want" she says with a happy face.

"Yeah great" I say with sarcasm "go eat as much as you want, I just want to sleep" I continue attempting to close my eyes.
"You are really going to sleep?" She asks
"Mhm"that was my reply, I'm just too lazy right now.
"Fine then, Too bad I wont be able to tell you how my weekend with Tyler went , I can see you are not interested in knowing." She says and I was quick to get up, not interested in sleeping anymore.

"You know I am always ready to listen to your stories, and since you want to tell me so bad then I guess I will have to listen." I say with a shrug while she just laughs and shakes her head in amusement.
"I just knew that would work " she says referring to me wanting to 'sleep'.
"Yeah yeah it did , now start talking"I say impatiently.
"Fine" she huffs but speaks anyway "I told you I was ready for the next step , and well it happened." She says
"Okay...."was my reply because I had no idea what to say.

"Yeah , I don't know how I felt or how I feel about it even now." She continues.
"What do you mean?" I ask confused, I mean she was excited when she told that she was ready for it.
"I honestly don't know. I mean we did it on Saturday and I didn't really feel it , and I thought maybe I will few on it afterwards but until now I still don't."she sighs in frustration but continues talking "and now I think we shouldn't have done it you know? Now that I think about it I feel like we rushed it." She finishes while I stare at her in confusion.

"And by saying you feel like you shouldn't have done that means you regret doing it?" I ask trying to make sense of what she is saying.
"To be honest with you I don't know I don't know. When everyone speaks about it , they make it sound like it's the best thing you know? Maybe it is , but it's wasn't for me."she tries to explain but only manages to make me ten times more confused, I mean isn't it supposed to be like the best feeling when you do it with the person you love?

"Do you still love him?" I ask "let's me rephrase that , have you ever been in love with him to begin with?"I continue, still trying to understand.
"I don't know" she answers looking conflicted.

"Huff" I sigh "clearly in this situation you know I am not the person to give you advice considering my relationship status, but all I am going to say is take your time to figure everything out , you have to understand yourself before you try to figure out everything else , but whatever you will figure out at the end just know that I will be there with you."I say then give her a hug.

"Thank you"she says then stands up "let me see what your mom made , I will be back." She says after getting out of bed then rushes out of the room , and I just chuckle in amusement at her actions , that is why she loves coming here because of mom's cooking.

Aby's POV

I rush out of the room wanting to be alone even for a few minutes. How am I supposed to figure everything out?
I know that I still love Tyler , I just don't know why it felt the way it did , but anyway I am not going to think about that , right now I need some food, all these thinking and talking made me hungry.

I get into the kitchen and as usual Avery' mom is working her magic.
"Oh Aby , you need something?" She asks when she sees me entering the kitchen.
"Yes. Actually I wants to get something to eat" I reply with a smile , already loving the smell of baked good. I totally love this woman , she is kind and can cook anything. I wouldn't mind being adopted by her , I mean the woman is a blessing.

"Take this." She hands me a plate full of baked goods , I am not even eating yet I can already taste heaven while salivating. I really really just love this woman.
"Thank you " I say with a splitting smile on my face, not even caring about my face hurting because of the way it stretching.
"You are welcome Aby , feel free to come back if you want more" she says and at that moment I just wanted to kidnap her and take her to my house, my mom definitely needs to learn how to cook from her.

I had out of the kitchen and start making my way towards Aby's room and suddenly my phone rings , I take it out of my pocket and look at the caller Id to find my mom's name on the screen. 'Why is she calling me?' I ask myself.

"Hey mom" I greet after answering the call and putting it on my ear.
"Where are you now?" She asks.
"At Avery's place." I reply while taking small steps towards Avery's room.
"You need to call home now, I want you to meet some people"she says leaving no room for discussion, yep she is serious.
"Who are they?" I ask a bit surprised, because as far as I know people don't really visit us.
"Just get home as fast as you can"she replies impatiently.
"Why can't you tell me now ? I just want to know now" I say
"Fine" she says after a pause then continues "remember when I told you about me seeing someone?" She asks , and I can already tell that I won't like where this conversation is heading.

"Yes?" I reply or more like I question
" he is here with his kids and he wants to meet you" she says and I just froze.
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