chapter 3

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trigger warning :
the content to follow in this chapter is sensitive for many as it
touches sexual assault , you may skip the chapter if you want and
still be able to understand the storyline.

I woke up feeling drained. I took my phone from the bedside table to check time and saw that it was 15:23 , so I slept for two hours am sure Aby is impatiently waiting for my call. So I decide to call her.

She answers the phone immediately. " hey what took you so long? I've been waiting." She asked trying to sound annoyed even though i know she is far from being annoyed and I just rolled my eyes.
"I was - uhm- we were.... Eating" I stuttered. "Avery stop lying to me I know that something else happened by the way you are talking , if you don't want to talk about it just tell me but please don't lie to me, am your best friend" she says with a sad tone.
And I mentally cursed at myself for lying to her. "I know Aby. am sorry for lying to you , I just can't talk about whatever happened right now , I hope you understand." I said while shutting my eyes tightly trying to stop my brain from over thinking again.

"Of course I understand, you can tell me whenever you are ready." She says sounding excited again and I can't help but smile. I really love my best friend. I don't know how my life could have been without her considering the fact that am antisocial and my parents are always working plus my sister and I aren't exactly close to the point of hanging out everyday.

"Thank you Aby. I love you" I said while smiling "I love you too" she replied "aren't you going to ask me about Tyler " she asked while giggling. "Of course I am. Now tell me how did it happen? What did you talk about ? Did you tell him that you like him? Tell me everything , don't leave anything out" I said in one sentence feeling overly excited because am finally going to get some juicy details. Stop being so dramatic , am sure they didn't even kiss. My subconscious again decides to taunt me. I smack her and told her to shut up.

"Of course I'll tell you everything , now shut up and listen quietly " she says. "okay you can....." I didn't even get to finish my sentence the door was pushed open rather roughly. "What are you doing in here , get out!!" I shouted getting angry. How dare he barge in my room as if it's his?

"Am not leaving until I get what I want" he says with a sinister smile spattered on his face. While all the blood has been drained on my face probably out of my system too. What does he want? "What do you want ?" I stuttered forgetting everything and just looking at Travis who I barely recognize right now.

"You" he says , his eyes darkening. "What do you mean?" I asked , fear evident in my voice. While wishing whatever am thinking about is not what he meant. "What part of I want you don't you understand?" He says and start approaching me , and I start backing away even though there's barely space behind me since I was seating on my bed.

"Travis just leave , just get out of my room I won't tell mom and dad about this but please just leave" I said while a tear rolled down my face and I quickly wipe it away. "And who says I care about your parents uhhh?" He asked now looking angry "you think am scared of them?" He asked again then laughed darkly " then guess what? You are wrong because am not scared of them" he shouted and I flinch while more tears started rolling down my face.

"Please Travis don't do this , just leave please" I begged while wishing he will listen to me and just leave.
"Just shut up" he yells while roughly pulling me towards him by my legs , more tears starts running down my face and I started shaking my legs to free it from his strong grip. "Why are you doing this? I am your favorite cousin remember? I am your baby cousin, the one you love so much" I said while trying my hardest to free my legs.

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