Chapter 7

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I woke up and found myself in the nurse's room with Aby sitting on a chair by the corner of the room , then she comes to sit on the bed when she notices my movements.

"Hey, you are awake." She says.
"Yeah, can we get out of here? I don't like this place." I say while getting in a sitting position.
"Are you sure you don't want to rest till whatever time , I mean u are allowed to do that"she says attempting to put an innocent face and failing miserably.
"No , I already missed three classes I can't miss anymore class , plus the final exams are just around the corner" I say then stand up and start gathering my things.

"Please don't remind me of that , not everyone is excited about that."she says with a sour face.
"And who said I'm happy ? I just know that it going to happen whether I want it or not hence I just have to to get used to the idea and prepare myself "I reply finding the whole thing amusing.

"Yeah ,whatever"she says with an eye roll "since you don't want to be here then let's go, plus the bell is going to ring in two minutes." She says after checking time on her phone.

"Okay let's go" I say then stand up and we start going to class , since we have English class together.

The rest of the day goes fast and now is after school. I walk out of the school to wait for Aby in front of her car since she is the one driving me home.
Just as I reach Aby's car I see Jonathan coming my way and I immediately start begging luck to be on my side for once and make him pass me , but as usual luck wasn't on my side.

"Hey Avery" he greets as he comes and stands before me
"Hey" I greet back , waiting for him to say whatever he wants to say so that he can leave me alone.
"I just want to apologise about earlier today, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" he says while looking anywhere but at me.
"It's okay, let's just forget it happened."I say attempting to smile so that I can reassure him and he can leave already.
"Thank you" he says finally locking eyes with me. "I will just go" he doesn't want even wait foe my reply.

I just shrug , take out my phone and start scrolling through it to pass time while wondering why Aby is taking so long.

"Hey , I'm sorry I came out late I was talking to Mr smith about a project."Aby says apologetically.
"It's okay , at least you are here now let's just go." I say after locking my phone and putting it in my jeans' pocket and open the passenger door to get in while Aby does the same on the driver's side.

"And Reese? How is she going to get home?" Aby asks
"She is going to her friend's house to study or something, my mom will fetch her there." I say with a shrug, and Aby just nods her head to let me know she heard what I said and started driving.

Fifteen minutes later she is pulling in my driveway.
"Are you coming in?" I ask her because usually we hang out in my house after school. She loves hanging out her and I love having her, even though she usually tells me that she loves hanging her because of my mom's food unlike my mom , hers sucks at cooking not my words , Aby's. but I know she hangs out here a lot because she can't stay away from me. "No I'm going home, my mom needs my help with something" she says and I nod in understanding.

"I guess I will see you tomorrow then"I say after hugging her the get out of the car and watch her pull out of the driveway. I turn around and to enter the house "mom I'm home" I shout after entering the house.

"In the kitchen" she shouts back. That's my mom indeed , always in the kitchen making something or trying new dishes that she saw on the internet. She is simply the best , and then there is me on the other hand , I suck but I love eating my mom's food , who needs to cook when she is here? I walk to the kitchen and kiss her.

"Hey mom" I greet after kissing her
"Hey baby, how was school?" She asks , "boring as always" I reply not telling her about what happened , I don't want her to worry unnecessarily. "I knew you would say that" she says with a smile
"Yup , I will be in my room" I say then walk out of the kitchen and head towards my room , my safe place.

I get into my room , change my clothes then throw myself on my bed and start getting ready to be taken away by sleep.
"Oh no young lady , you have been doing this for far to long. don't you want to spend time with your mother before going to college? We won't get times like this." She says with a sad face while I on the other hand feel like exploding with annoyance, I just want to sleep for crying out loud!!

"Come on mom , I will be going to college, I am not dying I will always visits as. But right I really just want to sleep"I reply with a groan trying to hide my annoyance, I'm not in the mood for any sentimental moments.

"I don't care!! get up , you are going to help me in the kitchen right now!" She says with finality.
"But I will be useless to you anyway, I can't cook remember?" I say. 'What's with her today?' I thought.

"I don't care , get up. You better be in the kitchen I'm three minutes , don't make me come back here"she says and finally leaving my room. And there goes my afternoon, I just want to sleep.

"Can't Reese help you?" I shout hoping she will hear me even though I know that Reese is not at home , anything to get me extra minutes.
"She always helps , today I want you to help and you know she is not at home. Don't make me come back there" she shouts back.

"Can I just die right now"I say to myself while standing up to go 'help' her even know though she and I know I won't be helping with anything.


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