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**Bright's POV**

Bright: "Yes, I know how important this is to our museum. I have spoken to the director about this matter more than once in the last couple of days."

Boss: "Good because if you can't find it than I'm afraid that our branch will have to fire you. There isn't enough room on our team to keep everyone."

I could feel my hand curling into my thigh in the back seat of the cab as I stared at the head rest in front of me.

Just let it go Bright, if you speak he won't shut up...

Bright: "Of course Boss."

Boss: "You've got 72 hours to find those gems Mr. Vachirawit, don't let me down."

Bright: "Yes sir..."

With that he dropped the call on his end and I ended up letting out one of the most relieved sighs I have felt in ages.

Driver: When I looked up he was staring through the mirror with a smile. "Having a rough day sir?"

Bright: Laughing softly as I place my phone on the seat and nods. "You could say that, my boss seems to think that there is some special artifact in this small town of yours."

Driver: He moved us into the right lane as I pulled a hand help map out of my bag. "I wouldn't be too sure about that Sir, my wife and I have lived in this town since we were very young and I haven't heard nothing about a special anything."

Bright: I had just gotten the map unfurled in my lap as I move my finger along my home town down to where this town was suppose to be. "You know I've only lived about 20 miles from here my entire life and I never knew this place existed. Would you have any idea why that would be?"

Driver: He seemed nervous as he makes a right turn and glances out his window. "I'm not sure, if I had to guess I would say that we don't have enough people in town for them to put us on the map."

I knew that's not how that works but he seemed genuinely afraid of something and the last thing I want to do is frighten him.

Bright: "That makes sense..." As I was moving my fingers over the plans of the earth where the town is suppose to be my finger stops at the small circle our team had made at last months meeting. "Hey by any chance would you know where the Guppi Manor is?"

Driver: My entire body was thrown into the back of the seat in front of me as he slammed on the breaks and looked at me in horror. "That land is forbidden!"

Bright: All of my instincts were intrigued now as I gather my thoughts and lean back into my seat. "Why?"

Driver: He couldn't seem to make eye contact with me as he refuses to move the car. "Strange things happen in that house Sir. At night you can see light coming from the forest that surrounds the property and if you stand close enough to the gate you can hear voices."

Bright: "What's so weird about that?"

Driver: "...The owners of that place died almost 35 years ago. There shouldn't be any signs of life from the property."

Bright: "What about the allegations of people disappearing in this town."

Driver: His eyes were boring holes into my sockets as he turns the car off. "Who are you?"

Bright: "You don't have to do that, I'm just a nobody that works at a museum. My collogues and I heard about a rare gem that was said to be forgotten in this town and once people started to go missing I was the only one willing to take the job."

Driver: "Mister I don't know about any gem but everyone here knows to stay away from the Guppi woods on the edge of town. We try to warn you outsiders the best we can but once you go past those gates we remove ourselves from the problem. All that have gone wandering were warned and do to there arrogance non of them came back."

Serenity - A One Shot Short Story (Completed) 18+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora