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It had been a couple months since they met.

Yoongi lazily dragged himself out of the bed, peeking at the pile of papers on his messy desk, pens, and pencils scattered everywhere and waiting for Yoongi to come and finish them while Yoongi searched for the motivation to complete the assignments.

Of course, he couldn't just carry these all to the park and do it while staring at Hoseok nor he could just call Hoseok over saying he need the motivation to complete his assignment.

Yoongi nonchalantly rolled up the curtains of his window, giving way to beams of sunlight shining down his cluttered desk in hope of absorbing a little energy from the sun. His sharp feline eyes peeped again at his desk, at highlighted piles of paper, almost glowing and seducing him to touch them.


Instead, he lulled back on his bed, allowing the matters to engulf his tiny frame as his aimless stares settled on the patterned ceiling, thinking about the particular male.

The boy is driving him crazy without even knowing. His always happy-looking face and almost every word that fell from his lips seemed innocent, his voice ceaselessly being sickenly sweet and merry, his doe big eyes filled with younger innocence and stars. He found the boy very fascinating and every little thing he did was interesting in some ways; whether it was the childish giggles, the lame jokes, or even the disturbing fun facts that he would state while nervous as if it was the most normal thing in the world. His whole existence was adorable.

Something about him made Yoongi so content that he could almost feel the spring flowers bloom around every time he sees the boy. The fuzziness and giddy feeling would engulf his stomach as if they are trying to tickle him and an unknown smile would always linger on his lips. Few common signs that he was in love.

Yoongi noticed how he himself started to smile so much these days and how he actually started caring about his appearance a lot, spending hours choosing an outfit for going to university, making sure his hair is well and his shoes don't look worn out looking.

"Why do the thoughts of you feel so euphoric and reverie? The warmth and texture of your skin laying on my skin, oh how lovely would it be?

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