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Yoongi sat in his regular place, doing what he has been doing for more than a year now, silently watching 'Petal' with an unusual smile playing on his lips. The boy was somehow distracted today, instead of sketching, he sat there cupping his cheeks, showing his frowny face as he stared to nothingness.

Yoongi wanted to ask what's wrong but it would be so creepy of him to do so.

It happened so Yoongi's classes got canceled and having nowhere to go, he just made his way towards his favorite bench in the campus, from where he'd stare at the pretty boy like a creep. Although, He did not expect to see the boy slumped down looking sad. 

Ugh, even the boy who literally looks at the verge of crying inspires him. 

"Hoping, dreaming, I stray on his smile, heart a shade of blue and soul a golden hue." He muttered jotting the said lines in his notebook, carefully doodling a leaf at the corners. There was something different about this particular boy, weather he is laughing or sitting still, just by staring at him Yoongi would get a overflowing flood of ideas and inspiration. 

Perhaps, he was Yoongi's official muse.  

Yoongi popped a lollipop in between his rosy lips, hands plucking some beautiful pastel flowers, blinding and welding them into a flower crown, being as gentle as possible and trying his best not to rip the delicate pale petals of the flower. The flowers never failed to remind him of the honey-tanned boy, he loved light colors; they made him look so pretty and adorable, black would probably look like a shadow on him.

They were so different.

"Hey kid, can you give this to that Oppa in the baby blue sweater? Don't tell him that I gave it, okay?" Yoongi stopped a kid passing by, asking him to hand the crown and a note to the sullen boy.

But, What was 7 years old doing in university?

Someone probably brought their sibling or their daughter along with them, not his concern.

The little girl did as said, a smile immediately blooming on the latter's face, showing off his pearly white teeth and adorable heart smile as he ruffled the kid's hair, handing her candy. Yoongi smiled seeing 'Petal' place his flower crown carefully on top of his dark lush hair, looking adorable than ever, his fingers fiddling with the note he gave, slight unnoticeable dust of red painting his cheeks.

"Outside may look dull and glum but the sunshine of your smile is always bright and plum." 

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