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Hoseok slumped his body on his favorite bench, cupping his own cheeks as he pouted feeling sullen, almost on the verge of crying. He slammed his sketchbook beside him, turning off his overly buzzing phone.

Embarrassment filling up his entire being as he tried his best to ignore the fact that he  just scolded by his professor and got kicked out for drawing like a 5 years old. 

Hoseok sat still like a statue, his mind just echoing his professor's words on loop. Even the campus was full of people, the air buzzing with chatter and conversations. The lush green grass swaying along with the slight wind, the late afternoon sun brewing everything with a golden wash, yet, he could just see shades of greys.

"Maybe I should stop drawing." He muttered.

Everything seemed grey and lifeless. Hoseok could only see the dull colorless beams around, the ground, the sky, the air, everything. He couldn't see any colors that symbolized hope or positiveness, just dark and negative colors. It was hurting his eyes. It felt oddly silent even tho the campus was full of wild students fussing around, trees danced under the silky sunlight, their branches moving like the arms of a dancer with a melodic buzzing whistle of the wind, it was such a lovely day and Hoseok was sitting glumly.

"I wish Sugar was here." He mumbled again, staring into nothingness. He assumed the pretty boy would be in his classes not knowing he was right there, studying his features. Secretly watching the pale boy somewhat made him feel content, his body gestures were so carefree and relaxed that made him envy the boy.

He was Hoseok's utter source of comfort.

He was curious why Sugar always carried the vintage-themed notebook, he wanted to know what does he keeps scribbling on it. Maybe he had a really bad memory? or maybe he was from the literature department or maybe he likes doodling? Hoseok didn't know which assumption to go with.

"Oppa, this is for you." A young girl  stood in front of him, stretching her limbs out as she carefully clutched on a flower crown and a note. "Oh? Who gave it?" Hoseok asked, a shy smile making its way to his lips as he held the crown in utter delicacy.

"It's a secret!" The girl grinned as Hoseok handed her a candy while ruffing her hair.

"Thank you!!"

Hoseok placed the flower crown on his head, immediately having a bloom of happiness inside him just like peacocks dancing under the rain, getting all the happy colors to grow in his sight. He shyly held the note, a speck of slight pinkish dust coloring his cheeks, just like the overwhelming color of cotton candies.

"Outside may look dull and glum but the sunshine of your smile is always bright and plum."

He muttered, oddly feeling giddy inside as pressed the note close to his chest, feeling his gloomy mood get lifted instantly.

"Who could possibly give this to me?"

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