Dade Park

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Chapter Six

            Panting for the life of their lungs both she and Max found standing difficult yet they hadn't lost their tail.

"Hide there."


"Hide there, behind those boxes and when I give the signal you run. Whisper to the wind and look for the Dade Park. I'm not joking; just do as I tell you."

            She ducked below one of the many boxes in the vicinity and thought of the sanity of her decisions. She worried she'd gotten this man into a bad situation and then she considered if it was he who got her into this. That held no water, none of it did. She knew it was irrelevant how something happened or why. When you're in the moment the only thing that matters is that you're there and who's ever beside you. She trusted that in the end it would all be alright, so she trusted him. This war thing seemed strange, but now wasn't the moment to loose friends.

            Two pairs came closer to the two of them and Max braced his legs for impact. She knew nothing of fighting, but it was obvious that he did. His fist drew to his body and when the first blow was struck he dogged it. For seven long minutes Max jabbed and kicked at his many opponents and managed to hold them locked in battle. It was strange that every time she thought one of them might get to her or seriously hurt Max, they seemed to be pushed back.... Something was defiantly weird about all this, but her mind quickly raced back to the fight when she heard someone yelp. It was a sight to see. The dance continued and lasted so long she almost forgot about the signal. Then he stuck the man's neck, causing him to fall. Max looked directly at her and she know what to do.

            Her legs were tiered and ready to give up, but her head refused to allow such madness. She jogged then ran; then she walked. Crying sparsely and sniffling, she picked up her feet and whispered to the air. She complained about her feet and her empty stomach. She asked were the park was and expected an answer. She kept going, never stopping.

            Finally she turned a corner and realized her nose was a single inch from a marble plaque. It read "Dade Park".

            She laughed.

                                    *                      *                      *

            Max turned to see her staring at a swing that was blowing in the wind. When she finally noticed him, she jumped toward him. Concern was scribbled everywhere in her face, and when she opened her mouth it seemed to consume her.

"Are you hurt?"



            She noticed his limp and saw him favor his right side. Her reaction was simple: she hugged him. Her lips crashed against his cheek in gratitude and a sense of awe befell her.

"Thank you. No one's ever-"

"Listen, my service doesn't come cheap. I want something in return."

"Anything reasonable I'll pay."

"I don't want your money; I need your time. Let me show you what your father left for you. Let me show you your father."

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