Chapter 15

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The sun was rising, and Asiah only had 5 minutes.
Asiah was calm and focused and he rapidly swung his sword at the Lokatt. It was beggining to weaken, but that wasn't good enough, Asiah needed to kill it. They were in front of his house but that wasn't good enough as San was, who the hell knows how long.
Asiah took a break front swinging to talk. "San get the hell out, go home, I'll handle this S.O.B." San must have heard otherwise, she wouldn't have gotten up and fled to her house. Asiah was ready to bring his opponent down
4 minutes.
"You killed my friend, and you made me feel pain. You almost killed San." Asiah's sword began glowing a light shade of blue.
"I don't care how strong or how fast you may be," Asiah's sword was glowing bright and bright, "I am Asiah Kyoki, SLEEPWALKER"
Asiah's sword grew a symbol, like many weapons for Sleepwalkers, symbols identified a powerful attack was about tk be pulled off. The symbol read Sutāraito, or Star Light.
Asiah raised his sword,"I'm not afraid cause deep down I know that I am strong enough to send you back to hell." Asiah lifted his left hand in front of him, and his right hand in a curved position behind him, so that the edge of the sword was centimeters from his face."SLEEPWALKER SKILL, STARLIGHT STRIKE!" Time stopped, and Asiah swung his sword 12 times through the monster, 3 times in its arms, 3 times in its chest, once in the temple, once in the nose and twice in one leg, and once in the other. Asiah did this at such blinding speed that time seemed to stop.
Asiah was on the other side of the Lokatt, with his sword in both hand and in front of him. He raised his left hand, with his index and middle finger together and staright, his other closed. "Starlight rend!" The Lokatt's incisions started emitting a blue light and out of that blue light, cam white shades.
The Lokatt bellowed in pain, and before long, exploded into the black smoke that is blight. The black smoke made a rotation, in the form of a tornado, and soon decipitated tk for a golden coin. That Asiah caught, just as it fell.
1 minute left.
Asiah's entire body began smoking. He had been in the sun too long. He turned to his house and returned to his body.

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