Chapter 11

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The dragon decipitated and out came Sumāto, how he didn't die, Asiah had no idea. Asiah came up to San who was on the ground in pain, he picked her up without having her stand up straight.
"You ok" said Asiah in a calming tone. "Yea, I'm fine, just a little dizzy." She said
Asiah was more than relieved, everything had turned out fine, and with only 1 hour to sun rise, he couldn't possibly see why they couldn't just go to sleep. He picked her up and turned to Sumāto, "hey man, do you know where she lives, I want her to take a break."
"Not at all, we hang out all the time but she's never told me-"
Sumāto was inturrupted by a gushing sound. Asiah realized a dark figure was behind Sumāto. He collapsed and Asiah has no idea what he just saw, but the dark figure had sonething in its hands. Something red and gushy, and that's when Asiah realized what was happening.
That dark figure, just stole Sumāto's heart.

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