Chapter 7

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"Asiah what the hell were you thinking!"
"I was thinking I could try out my new job as a Sleepwalker."
" Asiah you may be a sleepwalker but you are also new and that thing was way to big for you to handle!"
"A boy was in danger what was I supposed to-"
Asiah didn't get to finish his sentence, as he say the beggining of dawn in the Tokyo horizon.
"We'll talk about this in school."
When Asiah got to school, luckily without a car to run him over, he went straight to San where she yelled at him for 19 minutes before the first bell rang.
Durning lunch, while he munched away at a hamburger, San yelled at him for another 7 minutes, taking breaks to drink her Tea. "Asiah what I am trying to say is even if you have Suraisā, it dosent make you invincible. Just cause I have guns dosent make me-"
"A Sleepwalker with guns?"
"Never mind that, my point is-"
"San, is this the newbie," said the guy he had met before. "Oh hey Sumāto," said San in an annoyed tone, "Yea this is Asiah, he's new to the Sleepwalkers."
"Hi I'm Asiah."
" I know, we've met."
The bell rang and they had to leave to their next couple of classes. Soon the day ended and Asiah had to go home. It was 9:47 when he decided it was time to clock in. He went to sleep, and met San and Sumāto inside of his dreams. San looked diffrent of course, she had a leather jacket and her hair coated it, she had blue worn jeans and was carrying pistols in each hand. Sumāto on the other hand, was wearing a black T shirt and new jeans, as well as combat boots and a staff the crossed his back.
"It's about time." Said Sumāto, "Sorry," Asiah wasn't really sorry but he thought It was only polite.
Their conversation was cut short as a red a black bear assaulted a little girl, a giant crab demon with 6 hands snapped at a grown man, and a giant puppet attacked what seemed to be a security guard.
"Looks like there is hell to pay," said Sumāto as the 3 teens assaulted the Nightmarekas with full force and strength.

Hail SleepwalkersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang