Chapter 16

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It had been a week. Sumāto's body was found after his mom got home from work to find him lying in his bed with blood dripping from his nose. The doctors set it aside as a natural cause, but they were wrong.
Asiah and San haven't talked since that day, but something was itching Asiah in the back of his head. "What was that thing?" Asked Asiah, "it is called a Lokatt, it's basicly a nightmare that died but was reborn into a stronger shell," San replied. Asiah knew that, that was the last he'd hear of it. So he shut up.
Ijime-kko didn't even bother to bully them, the school was silent. Asiah sometimes couldn't even sleep because he couldn't bear going back to the dream world. As far as Asiah or San were concerned, Nightmarekas could wait until they finished sulking.
This all stopped when Asiah walked up to San, shoved her into the janitors locker, and talked some sense into her.
"Look at us," said Asiah, "a bunch of Sleepwalkers sulking for our friend, Sumāto wouldn't have wanted this, he would've wanted us to keep on fighting."
"But," said San, "Asiah he trained me, if it weren't for him I wouldn't hav-"
"To hell with that," Asiah interrupted, "if Sumāto trained you, then he would've wanted you to keep fighting, he would've wanted you to live your life.
Asiah was holding her shoulders and against a wall, but Asiah didn't care. He needed her to snap back into reality and come back to the Dream World.
"Ok," San had tears in her eyes. She came up and hugged Asiah. Asiah didn't even realize.
It was night time and the 2 Sleepwalkers went to sleep.
Now in the dreamworld, Asiah noticed that there wasn't any Nightmarekas. "What the-" Asiah was inturrupted by San, "ASIAH LOOK!" She said pointing to the sky.
In the sky, was a gaint, pale, transperant, manta ray

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