Chapter 9

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   Asiah and the group were having trouble.
San was firing at the monsters eyes, in an attempt to blind it, but it soon regenerated in a smoke of blight. Sumāto was dodging attacks of the monster, as his staff wouldn't do anything. Blunt damage would be as effective to a dragon as shooting a flame thrower in the ocean, hoping to make ice.
Asiah got back up and he quickly jumped into the monsters tail, he ran up it and got closer and close to the highschool bully. He raised his sword to cut the bully in half, but the bully caught the sword and trusted his palm into Asiah's chest, send him flying off the monster. The dragon raised his tail in attempt to crush Asiah, but he dodged to the left just in time. Sumāto ran up to the thing hoping to get off some damage but the dragon quickly trusted his jaw into Sumāto and stuffed him into his mouth.
"Son of a bi-" says Sumāto before being rudely interrupted by a dragons mouth.
"Sumāto is trapped, we need to get him out. Asiah I-ARGH" San is interrupted by a the dragon that rams into her.
"Asiah is in pain and sacred. But, as soon as he sees San on the ground, his fear turns to anger, almost a quickly as his sword goes from dull to sharp. Asiah rams the monster and unleashes a barrage of attacks, swinging left and right, cutting off legs that would soon regenerate, but have Asiah enough time to deal major damage on the behemoth. The copy of the driver of the car that run over the main character gets off his beast and punches Asiah through a wall, into a car, sending him spiraling into roof.

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