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It's been a few months since the Haru kissing thing happened and now I am currently getting dressed to have dinner at his house. Why are you now going after a few months you may ask. Well.....

Flashback few months ago
"Y/n! How could you let him kiss you?!" "Hanma, you kissed me already....." "Because I knew you longer." "That's not reasonable." "Oh, I know. We are your anime husbands who you love and are obsessed with. So how could you go around kissing other guys"-Mikey. "Don't get me wrong, you all are still my husbands. But..........Y'ALL ARE ANNOYING." "No"-Mikey. "Yes" "No"-Baji.

After the no, yes battle which ended in Mikey's side winning because they had more people and I was betrayed by Yuzuha and Senju, I decided to not talk to Haru infront of them. I still texted him though.

Days passed..
But, it's like Mikey and the rest of them are spying on me. Just a few days ago I was gonna go over for dinner but as soon as I walked out my door, Hanma and Sanzu appeared and I had to go back inside. It just kept going like that...

All that may have happened, but today, it seems like they are busy. Because I went outside and I saw no one. So I decided to go over. Main reason, I wana see Haru and well....... his parents.. hehe. After getting dressed in my casual home clothes, I went over and knocked on the door. This is what I was wearing..

Soon, Haru answered the door and let me in

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Soon, Haru answered the door and let me in. As I walked inside, I saw his parents and little sister. I greeted them and his mom said that the dinner will be ready soon. So Haru just showed me around. And is it just me or is the inside of his house way different from mine. It's like 3 of the apartments combined. He took me up to his room and it was exactly what I expected it'd look like. Dark colored walls, books neatly placed on a shelf and "Oh~. You stuck up the pictures from the photo booth!" "Yup."

Soon, his dad called us down for dinner and we went. While eating,  everyone was quiet,...well, they were. "So, Y/n. Where are you from? You don't look Japanese."-His dad. "Oh, I'm from (country). I moved here a while ago. Things happend and I had to leave my parents and move here." "Oh, and you know Japanese so well." I told them parts of what I told Mikey and the rest of them about my family when I now came here and they felt bad that I live alone. 

"I'm glad that you and Haru started talking. He's finally getting friends" Oh my God I need to hold in my laughs. I mean, I feel bad for him, but the way they're bashing him and he just has a plain face on is killing me. They then talked about other stuff when, "Y/n-San?"-his sister. "Hmm" I hummed while drinking water,.. "Are you two dating!" "AMAI!"-Haru. When she said that, I almost choked on my water. After I finished catching my breath back, I sat there silent but then noticed his parents and sister waiting for a reply. I began pushing Haru's foot with mine to signal for him to help me.

He looked at me and it looked as if he was about to laugh. "Oh no, we're not dating, shes just my friend." "But then, why is there a picture of you two kissing in your room." "............" THIS KID. OH MY AHH. "Hahaa~ oh that." I said before kicking his foot under the table. "I kissed her and she just got shocked. That's all." The rest of the night was just awkward for me. I mean, his parents were really nice and all, but I kinda felt weird after his sister opened her mouth.

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