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"And" he said as the tears flowed down his face. "Y/n, was murdered to. Her body was horribly beaten and stabbed and she was found at the place where she now arrived. But the thing is, this didn't happen when she reached the future. It happend around the same time you go back to when we shake hands. I found her when I was walking home."


"Huhh?! What?" "One day, when I was walking home from school, I saw Y/n and I was going to run away before she harasses me again. But before I can turn around, I saw a bunch of guys wearing black attack her. It was brutal. The didn't show any mercy. I didn't know what to do, I just went to the side to hide and I called the police and an ambulance. After they finished and left, I ran up to her but I couldn't stand the sight of someone stabbed up. All I could do was turn around and cry. Not to long after, the ambulance arrived but she was already dead."

I just looked at him in shock as he told me what happend. "Then Naoto!, shake my hand so i can go warn her!" "Wait, Takemichi. Just remember, the criminals were never identified so be careful around people and protect Y/n. Because after hearing of her death and no was was caught, almost everyone in Toman and Tenjiku destroyed the place and even went attacking other gangs wanting answers. Takemichi, save My Sister and most of all, save Y/n because her death is probably the reason why these girls died in the future."

"I will." When I said that, I shook his hand and went back to the past. "Y/N!" "You tryna give me a heart attack!"

Y/n POV a few minutes earlier
Takemichi left a while ago. I hope everything is alright in the future. *Door opening* "Huh, Takemichi? You back?" Why's he acting weird. "Back from where?" "The future?" "?" Oh, it's the actual past Takemichi. "Nevermind". "Sanzu, can you give me that-" *sound of something falling* "Oh my God Takemichi!" "Did he just fall?" "Is he dead?" "I don't know...... Takemichi?" I said as I poked his head. He was still breathing normal though. "I guess he's tired?" I said as I leaned him onto his couch and then sat down next to him.

"Y/N!!!" OH MY GOD. Everyone else in the room also jumped in shock. "You tryna give me a heart attack!" I said as I lightly slapped the back of his head when he suddenlywoke up. "Oh thank god" "What's wrong, why are you crying?" "When I arrived in the future, Naoto said that he and everyone remember you?" "Is that a bad thing." "But,...... you were murdered." "WHATT"-Everyone in the room. "Huh,.. what you mean I was murdered. By who?!" "He doesn't know... He said that he was walking home from school and saw you and when he was about to run before you harass him, he saw a bunch of people in black attack you and stab you up." I just sat there with a shocked, scared expression. "Then Toman and Tenjiku started a full on war with other gangs because they didn't catch the people who killed you."

Why the hell am I shaking so much. I mean, I now know what will happen so I can avoid it but wait.."You said that Naoto was walking home from school........ Takemichi,.. when exactly will all of this happen." "It'll happen sometime this year." Everyone in the room gasped and some got up in shock. Who the hell did I piss off that they'd want to murder me. "That's not all... In the future, things got rough and we don't know how but we believe it was because of your death. Hina, Emma, Yuzuha and Senju all die to." "Huh! WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO KILL THEM." Now, Hina, Emma and Yuzuha were even more shocked. But I think I was the most worried in this room.

If the cause of their death was because I died. Then I can't die. But I don't know who killed me. And it can happen anytime. "Wait doesn't Naoto have a date for when I was killed?" "He doesn't. He can't remember the exact date and when he tries to get information about your death, it's like the murders wiped it all clean. They made it look like you didn't even exist." This is scary as hell. Because I don't know what will happen. I'm not supposed to be in this world so the story changed. Now all the information I have is useless. "Y/n.." "Shin?" "It's fine. You don't have to worry. Just be aware of your surroundings and don't walk outside alone. I know you will surely live. Plus , now you have all this information from the future to better prepare." "Ok, you're right."

"Ok, since I don't know when, where or by who I'll die, I can't wander around aimlessly again. I'll try to be more cautious and probably stay indoors-" "Well, you can't always stay indoors. If you want to go for some random stroll, call us, we'll walk with you. Don't be by yourself even if you are cautious." "Thanks I'll be sure to tell you guys. But,.... if I do end up dying. Please don't start a war with other gangs." They all looked up at me when I started talking about that. "Because if the war and my death somehow led up to the girls dying, I don't think I will ever forgive myself for not being careful."

They were hesitant before they agreed. "And if I die, make sure and protect the girls and they will protect themselves to. And,... if I don't die when I'm attacked, we're gonna catch those bastards." "And kill them"-Sanzu, Hanma, Mikey (basically her harem).  "We'll knock them unconscious, beat them up and turn them in for attempted murder. How's that sound. Besides if they do attack me, I literally got the strongest people on my side." I tried to calm them all down and when they were calm, I brought up another topic to clear the air.

"Soo, what are you guys doing tomorrow." "School." "Nothing" "Staying home" I'm not going to school again cuz I rather not. I mean, I'll go some days. I can go to that lake with the ones who aren't doing something. "Hey, you guys wana go in a lake." "You mean the one I found you by." "Yeah, that one." "Yess!"-some. "I have a test tomorrow sorryy, I'll go out with you some other time to make up for it though."-Hina. "Same here ughh.. don't worry Y/n. Me you and Hina will have a Girls day with Yuzuha to." "That sounds like a good idea.. wait, Sanzu!" "I know what you're going to ask, and no, I don't know where my sister is." "That's to bad,.... Find herrr!" "Yes yes."

"Ok, so tomorrow Mikey, Draken, Angry, Smiley, Baji, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Koko, Inui, Ran, Rindo, Izana, Kakucho, Hanma Kazutora, Takemichi, Sanzu, Yuzuha and I will be going to the pond and then some other day when Hina and Emma are free, Yuzuha and I will go out with them." "Yup" everyone answered.

"Well then, everyone go home and get your stuff ready. Hina and Emma, good luck with that test." With that, we all walked outside so say our goodbyes. "What the hell? It's already dark out?!" "How long were we talking for." "Well damn." After a while of realizing it was already dark out, everyone went home and I got my stuff ready for the lake tomorrow. I'm so happy we just get to hang out and I hope nothing bad happens.


Hey Skittles..
Probably happy chapter next 👀
Byee Skittles..

Word count:

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