Newsletter #54: 11.01.2021

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So, sorry for disappearing for like two months there.

Uh...I was genuinely hoping to be able to get back into DOOM but the past two months have come down on me kind of hard.

September was an absolute mess. October was me kind of recovering from the mess. It was nothing serious, but I think my Seasonal Affective Disorder is starting to hit and it's hitting harder than usual. Like, I'm fucking tired a lot of the time now. This, combined with the fact that I've been busy doing other things in my life, means I just do NOT have the energy to have posted anything.

You ever fully intend to do something, and then at some point you come face to face with the undeniable fact that it simply is not going happen, no matter how much you want it to?

At some point in September I was pretty much like 'I'm not going to be able to write anything for WattPad for the rest of this month, maybe even all of next month. At this rate, the rest of 2021 might be toast.'

It's a really shitty feeling.

But it's not all doom and gloom! (Well some of it is doom but the good kind.)

So the really big thing I have to announce is that I'm bringing The Shadow Wars back to WattPad! All of the TSW novels, novellas, and shorts are coming to this profile and very soon! I'll start posting Dead Ice tomorrow! I figured at this point there really isn't a reason not to, and I thought it would make people happy.

Second, I do actually intend to try and write more DOOM in November and December. I want to at least finish off Episode Three properly and then I think I might take like a real break for awhile. For obvious reasons but also for other reasons (I might begin work on a secret project that I've been wanting to do for a long time now.)

Anyway, that's really it. Sorry for the breakdown in communication and absolute lack of updates. I don't know when I'll get another chapter for DOOM out but I'll be trying. At present, I'm fucking exhausted a lot of the time. I know some of it's insomnia and some of it's the winter coming on and some of it's probably related to my meds. I'm hoping it sorts itself out and I can get my shit together.

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