"Thank you," I turned to face Mr Blackbourne.

"Miss Sorenson..."

A huge bang sounded from further in the house and all the lights went out leaving us in darkness. I gasped and stumbled slightly in surprise, my heart hammering in my chest. I reached out but Nathan was already reaching for me and he pulled me against him.

"You fucking moron!!" I heard North roaring from down the corridor.

As serious of phones were lit and I was able to see a bit better, and then Kota was producing a miniature flashlight from a keychain and I heard Victor chuckle.

"You said turn it on!" Luke shouted angrily.

"I said DON't turn it on!" came the answering roar. I sniffed, I could smell burning. I drew my phone out to use the back light.

I could hear the others moving around and then a flashlight was switched on and Kota was moving towards me.

"What's burning?" I asked.

"He's only gone and fried the whole fucking fuse box!" North shouted as he came into the room.

"You said switch it on!" Luke shouted at him as he came into the room behind him.

"North, calm down, it was a mistake," Silas spoke up but I couldn't see him in the depth of the gloom of the hallway.

"You need your fucking hearing checked out!" North boomed at Luke.

"Ok, ok, ok, calm down," Kota spoke up. "Is anyone hurt?"

"No, although had I been touching the fucking live wire you'd be sweeping me up now," North grunted and a wave of horror went through me.

"Oh god," I saw Luke move towards North, the anger draining out of him. "North, I am so sorry, I should have double checked, you had your head under the machine and I..." He lifted his hands and covered his face. North slung his arm around his shoulder.

"No harm," he mumbled and looked up at Mr Blackbourne who was tapping on his phone.

"You're gonna need a proper electrician for this one, Mr B, took out the whole fucking sockets on both floors."

"What were you doing?" Kota asked them.

"Trying to wire in the fucking washing machine, but something wasn't right with the plug wiring. It blew a component in the machine. Si and I changed that and I was just wiring it back in when Luke misheard me.

"You should have had the whole house electrics switched off," Kota spoke up.

"I wasn't expecting the earth to be live," North said. "I switched off the ring that controls the sockets throughout the house..."

"I've texted Mr Poole," Mr Blackbourne spoke up. "He's an electrician by trade and he has said he will come in first thing tomorrow."

"Mr Poole?" I asked Nathan, still in his arms.

"He's Academy" he said and I looked back at Mr Blackbourne.

"Yes, he is, but it won't be done through the Academy, but it will still be best if you stay out of sight, Miss Sorenson. I trust him, but he will ask questions."

"She can stay with me tonight," Nathan spoke up and Mr Blackbourne nodded.

"Who was supposed to be staying here?" asked Victor, his fingers were running over the key on the piano.

"Me," North and Silas spoke up at the same time.

"That's fine, you can all fit into the spare bedroom," Nathan said and I kissed his jaw line.

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