Chapter 18- Cooking with feeling

Start from the beginning

Ahri: "I can help!"

Seraphine: "Sure! I can!"

Kai'sa: "I can lend a hand."

Evelynn: "Well someone has to watch the kids and I will."

Akali: "I'll just watch you guys."

You: "Alright, then let's get cooking!"

You all gathered the ingredients and you told each of them what to do. You saw the Seraphine and Kai'sa were handling themselves well. You walked over to where Ahri was and you could see she was having a bit of trouble.

Ahri: "Agh! Why is this so hard!"

You walked over to see Ahri trying to cut the zucchini and tomatoes. You walk up next to her and try to help her.

You: "Here try using this method instead. Knife please?"

She hands you the knife and you try your best to show her how to cut the vegetables.

Ahri: "Wow! You're so good at this!"

You: "Thanks, my mom taught me and I learned a bit on my own."

Ahri: "Can you show me how again? But like guide me?"

You: "Sure I can."

You start to cut the vegetables again, this time Ahri was right against you and then she gets in front of you and takes the knife.

You: "Ahri, what are you doing?"

Ahri: "Having you guide me."

She takes your right hand and places it on her own. She leans into the crook of your neck.

Ahri: "Now show me."

You: "Uhhhh, o-o-okay."

You make the same chopping motion you were doing before but instead you were guiding Ahri's hand. She looked up at you every so often. You looked down at her.

You: "She smells nice..."

Ahri: "Thank you~."

You realized that you were talking out loud and looked at Ahri.

Ahri: "You smell nice too. I like your scent a lot. It's intoxicating~."

You could see this predatory look in Ahri's eyes. You didn't know how to respond in this situation and your heart beat seemed to be racing. She stared deep into your eyes and they seemed to be calling to you.

Kai'sa: "Hey (Y/n), the sauce is done."

You snapped your head to Kai'sa who stood there unfazed at what was going on.

You: "O-o-okay! Well Ahri here should almost be done with the vegetables!"

Kai'sa: "Okay, can you come and taste the sauce and make sure it's right?"

You: "Sure, I can."

You step away from Ahri and walk to the stove where Kai'sa was making the sauce. The two exchange glances.

Kai'sa: "Stop it, you can't do that yet."

Ahri: "I'm sorry. It's my fall cycle. I can't control it sometimes."

Kai'sa: "I know but you just got to be strong. If everything works out, you'll get him for your spring cycle."

Akali: "For second there I honestly thought you were going to eat him. He was red as a tomato."

Ahri goes back to cutting the vegetables like you showed her. Kai'sa walks back over to you where you are tasting the sauce.

Kai'sa: "So what do you think?"

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