Prologue: Trish

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The winter's cold chill wrapped around my body, enveloping me in its icy embrace. I crossed my arms, hugging myself as a shiver coursed down my spine.

Standing in front of the cabin, my boots sinking into the snow, I gazed up at the staircase before me. A sense of disappointment settled in as I realized its daunting length. But I remained hopeful, and confident being that I had years of experience hiking mountainous terrains and running a plethora of marathons.

I know I can handle this climb.

My fingers grasped the frost-covered wooden railing for support. The weathered structure wiggled beneath my hand, unstable and rickety.

Dear God, don't let it collapse underneath my grip.

Nonetheless, I clung to it firmly as if my life depended on it. I took one step forward and drew in a slow, measured breath as the damp air bit at my lungs.

Slowly, I climbed the first step and continued doing so at a snail's pace. Midway through, I stopped and kneeled, nearly shouting out in pain as a throbbing sensation shot through my body.

Soon, I regained my composure and continued trekking up the staircase, eyeing the door as if it were some prized possession, driving the determination within me.

My muscles frozen, aching from an unbearable chill that insidiously seeped into my skin. Nonetheless, I continued making my way up. The wooden steps teetered beneath my feet.

I don't want to die out here.

Exhaustion coursed through my veins, and I began to feel lightheaded as the pine scented air trickled into my nostrils.

The journey to the cabin was arduous, draining, and dangerous. I plodded through the icy mountain and traversed its challenging slopes, and now I was weak and weary.

My muscles felt as feeble as a leaf drifting through the air on a windy autumn day. Despite my weariness, I was compelled to push through whatever obstacle confronted me in my path.

Finally, I reached the top of the staircase, coming face-to-face with the door. Then, summoning all my strength, I raised my arm and balled my hand into a fist.

My knuckles met the hardwood of the cabin door, and I knocked with all my might. Gritting my teeth, I pinched my eyes shut and bit down on my lip, absorbing the pain as a searing sensation shot down my arm.

"Troy!!" I called out, leaning against the door. "Please, Troy, open the door!"

Rubbing my hands together, I blew a warm breath of air into them.

"Troy, are you in there?!" The coldness of my breath hissed back at me as the words tumbled out of my mouth.

Gazing up at the cabin's windows, I couldn't see inside. The shutters were completely closed.

I pressed my ear against the door, feeling the ice melt against my skin as I strained to catch any sounds emanating from the cabin, but it remained silent. The only noise echoing into the stillness was the laborious rhythm of my own breathing.

I don't know how much longer I can make it out here.

My hands ached, turning a blistering red.

Knocking once more, I was hoping against hope that Troy was sleeping and the sounds of my fists furiously banging against the cabin door would rouse him.

"Troy! Open up. It's freezing out here!" I shouted. The echo in my voice traveled through the mountains and into the snow-drenched forest.

I can't give up!

Finally, I heard what sounded like footsteps. Leaning forward, I pressed my ear to the door again.

The footsteps grew louder, meeting the floorboards with each step. The stomps were so heavy they could've easily been mistaken for those of a giant.

"Finally!" I breathed a sigh of relief. The anxiousness slipped out of me like a butterfly escaping a glass jar. I finally felt safe.

"Troy, finally!" A faint smile wove across my face, and a joyful tear escaped my eye and slid down my cheek.

The tension in my shoulders eased. I breathed a sigh of relief, and billows of clouds formed before me, twisting into the mountain's icy air. I watched as they slowly disappeared.

I envisioned myself sitting by the cozy fireplace the moment I walked in, recounting the harrowing tale of what had just transpired to Troy.

What's taking him so long?

"Troy, hurry! I'm freezing out here. I think I might also have frostbite on my hands."

I leaned against the wooden staircase, anticipation building as I waited for Troy to unlock the door.

The metallic click of the door unlocking echoed through the atmosphere. The doorknob turned, and the door creaked open slowly.

My heart pounded harder against my ribcage as excitement coursed through my veins. I couldn't contain myself, ready to leap into Troy's arms.

The door was wide open now, but the house was cloaked in darkness.

Cautiously, I stepped inside.

"Troy?" I peeked into the living room. It remained shrouded in darkness, and I couldn't see a thing.

"Troy, turn on the lights," I requested as the warmth from the heater traveled down from the vents, caressing my skin.

Raising my eyes, I spotted a figure. It appeared tall, but the darkness obscured my whole view. A sense of skepticism crept over me. Something wasn't right.

A knot formed in the pit of my stomach.

"Troy?" I questioned, skepticism evident in my voice as I furrowed my brows.

The figure stepped closer toward me, and I gasped, a lump of nerves caught in my throat.

"You're not Troy!" I felt my veins bulging from my forehead as a surge of heat coursed through my chest. Paralyzed by fear.

The strange man wore a black mask. His muscles rippled beneath his t-shirt. He bent down and grabbed me. Then, he slung me over his shoulder as if I were some useless doll ready to be disposed of.

Desperately, I screamed out for help.

My ribcage collided with his muscular chest and the wind was knocked out of my lungs.

Swiftly, the world around me dissolved into an enveloping black abyss, and from there, I lost all consciousness.

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