With Cleveland, she is shooting at the siren, close to her are her sisters who help her in this very uneven combat.


It was the Hornet planes shooting down the siren planes.

Cleveland: How long does it take to refuel and ammo your planes !?

Hornet: 45 seconds in rigging mode!

Cleveland: Can't you shorten it a bit?

Hornet: I can do it, but it would be very dangerous to do so.

Cleveland: I understand.

In that the enemy shoots against the Azur Lane fleet, the girls as they have a better evasion, they can evade enemy shots with some ease, of course there were also some kansen that could not evade the enemy projectiles and suffered severe damage.

Hornet: The enemy strikes back! Shoot! Suppress the enemy!

The Azur Lane fleet heeding Hornet's orders once again began the offensive suppressing the enemy counterattack.

POV Grau

I had sent a reconnaissance drone to the base, as the drone is moving faster than us, it is very obvious that it had to have eyes in the sky, the drone did not take long to reach the base, I can see that the Azur Lane fleet it is pushing the fleet of low-ranking siren.

Grau: We are in optimal range for our SSM missiles, fire at will.

Bolognesi: Understood.

Chipana: Understood.

We fire our Exocet and Otomat missiles towards the enemy fleet, since we are at a distance of 70km from the base, we must help our allies at any cost.


The SSM missiles of 3 Peruvian ships were directed to the ships of origin siren at a supersonic speed and successfully hit 7 battleships sinking them on the spot, the second round of missiles hit 4 aircraft carriers also sinking them on the spot, due to the chaos of the combat nobody realized that the siren were being eliminated by a missile attack.

The combat continued to continue in favor of Azur Lane, after the minutes Javelin, Allen and Laffey advanced from the defense formation and began to attack the siren ships at close range to maximize the precision of the weapons, the battleship siren aims its cannons and fires at Javelin who was acting as a decoy, Javelin dodges the shots from the battleship siren and then she jumps on the deck of the battleship firing her main and anti-aircraft guns.

On the surface Allen and Laffey stealthily sail towards the battleship that Javelin is distracting.

Allen: Shall we shoot?

Laffey: (Nodding) Hm, we shoot.

Laffey and Allen fire their torpedoes successfully hitting the battleship siren, sinking it because it received 10 torpedoes on the port side.

Javelin: (Happy) Good! One less! (She panics) Huh?

Javelin saw a siren plane that appeared out of nowhere and the plane points its nose at her, the girls seeing this could not do anything because they are too busy to save them.

Hornet: Damn, my planes are refueling.


The plane explodes out of nowhere and Javelin is saved from certain death, the siren plane was the victim of a SAM RIM-162 ESSM missile, the ESSM missile travels at a speed of mach 4 for that reason nobody saw the antiaircraft missile coming, the missile was fired by the Bolognesi frigate that had advanced to help in the rear, after Bolognesi shot down the plane, she began to use her 127  mm Otomelara cannon against the surviving destroyers, the sound of the cannon firing was continuous and without pause, the fleeing siren destroyers perished before the firepower of Bolognesi.

Bolognesi: (mocking tone) What's up? Is that the best you have?

Denver: [Are you Bolognesi?]

Bolognesi: [Yes, it's me, we intercepted your SOS communication and we came as fast as we could.]

In that an Otomat missile passes near Bolognesi, this missile was fired by Grau who is far behind Bolognesi, the missile stabs the last battleship siren, the explosion detonates the battleship's fuel tank, the fuel explosion and the ammunition increased damage and sinking it easily.

Javelin: [Bolognesi Thanks for saving me]

Bolognesi: [You're welcome, it was a pleasure to save you, (Joking tone) although you owe me one]

Javelin: [I know]

Bolognesi: Agh, 3 enemy light cruisers escaped me, (downplaying it) It doesn't matter, my leader is surely thirsty for blood.

On the Almirante Grau cruiser, Grau saw that there are 3 cruisers on the radar that managed to escape.

Grau: Why did Bolognesi let the enemy escape?

Grau: (Thoughtful) To my knowledge, Bolognesi has the ability to destroy those three cruisers with ease.

Chipana: Leader, I think Bolognesi thinks you are thirsty for blood.

Grau: (Somewhat annoyed) That is ridiculous, I may have the appearance of being a psychopath or a sadist, but those are only deterrents since I do not like to use force to dissuade the aggressor.

Chipana: But hey, do we attack the enemy?

Grau: Yes, I'll take care of it, my 152 mm guns must be more than enough, the enemy is 17 km ahead of us.

The turrets began to rotate to target the fleeing cruisers and then fired.

HE shells hit fleeing light cruisers causing large explosions and severely damaging siren cruisers

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HE shells hit fleeing light cruisers causing large explosions and severely damaging siren cruisers.

Grau: Apparently my attack seriously damaged the enemy, all to starboard.

The light cruiser Almirante Grau turns to starboard showing the belly of the cruiser to enemy cruisers.

Grau: All cannons fire at will!

This time all Admiral Grau's guns fired, the 152 mm shells destroyed the three enemy cruisers.

Chipana: My eye systems report that the enemies have just sunk.

Grau: Yes, we return to the base.

Chipana: Not at all.

And so the light cruiser Almirante Grau made her curse to the base of Azur Lane.

To Be Continue ........................

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