Stolitz - Episode 7 spin off ideas: 1

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This continues from the middle of Asmodeus' song:


"Are you sleeping with an imp!?" Someone shouts in the crowd as the spotlight turns to me.

Asmodeus starts his little speech

"i hope you didn't give it up, so you and him could get it up"

now that really got my blood boiling and i really was nearing my breaking point.

"You sold your life for a thrust!"


"Spi- excusme ?"

"I said enough!"

They all gave me questioning faces

"how dare you insult my Blitzø in such a manner! And mind you i never sold my life to anyone either! I never gave anything up as well!"

"Don't make me laugh! You seriously did all this just to defend a useless selfish mistake filled excuse of an imp!?" The clone stated interfering

"Blitzø is no mistake! Nor useless or selfish! What you're saying is all not true!"

"You are seriously cheating on your wife with that thing tho?"

"I'de rather be with a piece of SHIT then be with that disgusting excuse of a wife!"

Everyone gasped as Blitzø gave me a shocked face

"I don't want to be trapped in a loveless marriage.. I can't stay in a relationship where i feel nothing but empty! Back then i felt nothing.. sure i had Octavia but it couldn't fill the gaping hole in my heart.. but Blitzø.."

i walked over to Blitzø and held his hand

"you where that piece i was missing.. the missing spark i needed, u are my bright star in a world of darkness" i said with loving eyes

"no matter what there is nothing that can stop me from feeling this burning feeling of warmth in my heart" i said closing my eyes lifting his hands up to my chest as i held them with a smile

"i need you Blitzø and nothing more.."

"i-.. but don't you want me just to fuck you?"

"Oh blitzø"

i lifted him up and i stared straight into his eyes

"your more then just that.. im not simply here just for pleasure, it's because i care about you and need you. I want you Blitzø, only you can make me feel like the happiest demon in hell"

"what are you saying exactly..?"

I give him the sweetest smile as i lift his head up to look at me and i look straight into his eyes with hearts in my eyes

"i love you Blitzø"

he stared at me speechless as his blushing face became redder

"i.. i dont know what to say.."

he then started getting tears in his eyes and he stuffed his face into my chest

"i.. I don't want to loose you too.. so please.. if you promise that you won't ever leave me.."

he lifts his head up to look at me with tears flowing down his cheeks and pleading eyes

"please.. if i loose you too i dont know what I'll do.. so never leave me.. please.."

"I promise that I'm not going anywhere" i respond with a sweet tone and a soft smile.

He smiles slightly then blushes a bit and looks away for a bit

"i-in that case t-then.. then i.."

he takes a deep breath then looks back at me

"i-i love you too Stolas" he says with a smile as he pulled me from the shirt bringing me down to his level then he kissed me.

I kiss back and a smile grows on my face.

The kiss was soft and sweet and filled with love.

He breaks the kiss then looks at me with longing eyes as he grew a smile on his blushing face

"so.. will you officially be my boyfriend?"

Tears pricked my eyes as my smile grew wider and more blush crept onto my cheeks


After that whole event we went over to my house and cuddled and watched movies till we fell asleep together.


The end! Did you guys like it? I know it's short but i got 3 other to write. Yes I'm making 3 other one shots on this episode! So stay tuned for those! Feel free to comment any thoughts or comments! Hope you all enjoyed! Love you all and stay safe! Bye! 💖💖💖

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