Chapter 5: The Duelling Book

Start from the beginning

Artemis approached Professor Flitwick at the end of her next Charms lesson.

"What can I help you with, Miss Hexley? Did you want an even harder target to levitate?" Flitwick asked, with a chuckle.

The class had been practising levitating some heavier objects, and whilst most of the students had progressed to levitating books, Artemis had managed to levitate a practice dummy and a table. The Gryffindor boy she had been partnered with two weeks before was still struggling with a feather.

"Actually, Professor," Artemis said, "I was hoping that you'd maybe be able to teach me some new spells."

"What kind of spells?"

"Defence spells. Rowan said you used to be a duelling champion."

"I did," Flitwick nodded.

"So you can teach me, then?"


"No?" Artemis frowned. "Why not?"

"Duelling is against school rules, Miss Hexley," said Professor Flitwick.

"I know that, but -"

"I cannot, as a respected member of staff, teach students how to do something that is explicitly forbidden," Artemis had never seen the Professor look so stern.

"You wouldn't be teaching me to duel, just to defend myself in case someone tries to attack me," she said. "The thing is, Professor, there's this girl that's been giving me and my friends some trouble," she saw Professor Flitwick open his mouth, and knew exactly what he was about to say, "and I've already spoken to my prefect and head of house about it, and nothing's changed at all. If anything, I think she's more likely to do something, if not to me, then to Rowan or Ben."

"Miss Hexley, I-"

"Please, Professor," said Artemis, "I wouldn't ask if I didn't think she would make good on her threats."

Professor Flitwick's gaze rested on Artemis' throat, where the bruise left by the Devil's Snare had now turned golden in colour. He seemed to soften.

"Very well," he nodded. "I will teach you one defensive spell. One. And it is only to be used strictly as a last resort if you genuinely need to defend yourself, do you understand? If I hear that you have been duelling, I will be incredibly disappointed."

The following lunchtime, Professor Flitwick taught Artemis a spell that would enable her to disarm an opponent. Artemis picked up the spell quickly, and so he started to teach her the shield charm as well. This spell was a lot trickier, and for the first time, Artemis couldn't cast it on her first attempt.

"Not a bad effort," Flitwick said, encouragingly, as the bell rang to mark the end of break.

"Can we go over the shield charm once more quickly?" Artemis asked him. "I think if I give it another go, I might be able to-"

"Miss Hexley, the bell has rung. You don't want to be late for your next lesson," he interrupted her, looking stern again.

"Yes, sir. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Remember, now, self-defence only."

A knock came at the door of the girls' dormitory the next evening. Penny went to the door, and opened it to reveal a very stressed looking Jane Court.

"I need to talk to Artemis," she said. "Rowan, too."

"Have I done something wrong?" Artemis asked Jane, as she and Rowan followed her down the tunnel-like corridor that connected the common room to the girls' dormitories.

Artemis Hexley and the Mystery at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now