Chapter 2: Welcome to Hogwarts

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The morning of the first of September was crisp and bright. Artemis, as she had predicted, awoke earlier than usual, even though she had struggled to sleep the night before. She sprung out of bed and picked out a pair of baggy jeans and brightly coloured jumper to wear to the station. Really, she just wanted to put on her school robes, but she knew that she had to wear Muggle clothes until the train left London. She caught sight of herself in the mirror, and patted down her mane of dark hair in an attempt to make it look neater. As usual, she was unsuccessful; her hair seemed to have a mind of its own, and there was so much of it. She would just have to look scruffy, like always.

Artemis' mother was still in her bedroom. Artemis put the kettle on the fireplace to make her a coffee before she ventured in. She knew better than to try and wake up her mother empty-handed.

"It's time to get up, Ma," she said, placing the cup of coffee on her mother's nightstand and opening the curtains. The sunlight poured through the window, where it fell on the stirring Sara Hexley. "We have to go to the station so I can go to school."

"You don't start school until September first," Sara said to her daughter, rising from her bed.

"Today is September the first," said Artemis. "You are still going to help me with my things, aren't you? You promised you would."

"Yes, yes," her mother murmured. "I'll get myself ready now."

Mrs Hexley got herself ready so slowly that Artemis could feel her reluctance to leave. Obviously, her mother regretted agreeing to walk her to the station. Artemis ran circles around the house, trying to hurry her. After what felt like an age, the pair left the house and walked past the terraced houses of Lovelace Crescent. They walked in silence through the streets of Camden to Kings Cross Station.

"We're here!" Artemis exclaimed, speeding up as they turned the corner and station came into view. She turned to talk to her mother, but she was no longer next to her. Artemis stopped and looked back. Her mother was stood, frozen on the spot at the corner of the road. Artemis ran back to her and gently pulled her arm. "Ma, come on. I don't want to be late to meet Rowan."

"You go on," said her mother, her voice quiet.

"But -"

"I'm not going inside," her mother shook her head, her voice louder now. "You can manage the rest of the way, can't you?"

"You promised to take me to the station!"

"We are at the station," her mother's tone became brisk, almost sharp. "Look, it's right there."

Artemis stared at her mother, who didn't meet her eye. She sighed deeply.

"Fine, I'll manage," she said, taking the rest of her belongings from her mother and stacking them on top of the trunk. "I'll see you soon, I guess."

"Have a good term," said her mother. The two of them stood in silence for a moment as Artemis hesitated, looking at her mother. She took a deep breath, before wrapping her arms around her waist in an embrace that Sara Hexley didn't return.

Letting go, Artemis walked away from her mother towards the station without looking back. She wasn't the sort of child to cry, in fact, Artemis hadn't cried since the night her brother had left. She didn't see the point in tears, they never changed anything.

She focused on looking for Rowan, and trying not to topple the items that were precariously stacked on top of her trunk as she walked through the already busy station. This proved a difficult feat, and she almost lost her coat, as it slipped off the top of the trunk. Luckily, a red-headed lady picked it up off the floor and handed it back to her. The lady had an entire flock of boys with her, all with the same shade of bright red hair, and although they were wearing Muggle clothes, Artemis noticed a pair of trunks not dissimilar to her own. She thanked the red-haired witch, and continued to follow the signs pointing to platforms nine and ten, her eyes peeled for Rowan's dark hair and silver glasses.

Artemis Hexley and the Mystery at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now