Prologue: Return of the Heylin Witch

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Life is a journey. What decisions you make are what decide what road you take.

At a young age, Jaune was inspired by the legacy of his clan However, many members of his family did not share the same idea. They believed he had no potential or the makings of a warrior. 

Still, he was not deterred from his dream of becoming a huntsman. He trained with a torn and worn-out book on sword fighting with a wooden sword. Hearing about aura, he asked a crime boss to unlock his aura and give him fake transcripts at the age of sixteen.

So for one more year, he trained until he left for Vale. With luck, skill, and a hidden knack for tactics, he passed the initiation and was made leader of a team. Yes, he made new friends, some he even considered family.

Now, despite the accomplishment, he was having a hard time unlike everyone else who had either a mentor or went to a combat school, he trained by himself, only going off the knowledge he could obtain. Still, he tried his best to stay in the school, spending a vast amount of time in the library and training room, trying to hone his knowledge and skills. 

Even if some would quietly mock his lack of wins, Jaune continued to better himself and learn, all with the hope of being a great huntsman one day.

Unfortunately, a few who hated the Arc Clan questioned his enrollment and did some digging into his past. With a couple of hundred lien, they found out the truth about him. Needless to say, they were more than happy to reveal the information to the public.

From there, Jaune's life went downhill.

His friends abandoned him.

His teammates kicked him out of their dorm.

He was tormented and beaten by the students.

The professors didn't help him, telling him that he should just leave.

Ozpin wanted to help, but his hands were tied.

To make matters worse, his clan disowned him. All of his family refused to speak to him, leaving him to his fate.

Still, despite all that has happened to him, he still maintained hope. Hope that he could find his way back into his family and friends' hearts. Hope that he would overcome all of this and become a great huntsman. A hero.

In truth, he proves the content of his character at one point. When his former team and sister team were about to face trouble from those who would do them harm, he risked his life to save them and one of his tormentors. 

However, instead of being grateful, his tormentor lies about what happened, further putting the blonde in a bad light.

Things would only get worse when the Vale Council got involved and issued a warrant for his arrest. Soon, he was placed in cuffs and chains by the very heroes he idolized. He looked into their eyes, only seeing scorn and hatred. This made him feel turmoil inside.

It didn't help how his former friends were either looking away, nodding, or smiling at his predicament. From there, his heart became colder.

Time would go by as his trial was underway. Sporting an orange jumpsuit, he sat there as his lawyer tried to get him out of his. He stared at the jury, noticing some of their hateful looks directed at him. He looked around the court, hoping to see at least one Arc who cared about him. However, he was met with the sight of his tormentors with wide grins as they watched him suffer.

Eventually, the court case ended, and unfortunately for Jaune, he was found guilty. Rather than give him a lighter sentence or the maximum sentence for forgery, the judge would then sentence him to ten years in the Gu prison. Jaune felt his heart sink. He heard tales of that prison and how it was only reserved for the most vile, despicable scum of Remnant. 

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