Meet the Team

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"And what may seem like a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps to a journey

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"And what may seem like a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps to a journey."
~Lemony Snicket
Wally was bouncing from foot to foot, with a huge smile plastered onto his face. Batman had announced they were going to get a new teammate and Wally was ecstatic. "Can you stop pacing Kid Mouth, you're irritating everyone." Artemis said with a slight smirk even though her voice held annoyance, she was excited herself. She was hoping it would be another girl, they don't need another male on the team, Wally, Robin, Conner and Kaldur were enough. The team had only been together for two months but they had a strong bond, even if they were at each other's throats. "Sorry, it's just I'm so excited." Wally was beaming and Robin chuckled. "I know Wally, we are all excited as well. Just be patient, they should be here soon."
Wally continued bouncing much to Artemis's annoyance, but M'gann was doing something similar. Conner had crossed over his chest with a slight frown. And Kaldur stood there perfectly still with the tiniest smile on his face.

Recognised Batman 02
Recognised Karma b09

The zeta tube announced leaving Batman and the mysterious new team member standing in the mountain. Batman was himself with his lips quirked upwards slightly which was insane, but nobody was focusing on that. Next to Batman was a teenager their age around seventeen. She was wearing a black bodysuit with crimson detailing on her chest and legs as well as a black leather jacket covering her arms, there were holes around her hips revealing her skin. But if you looked closely on the back of the jacket she had a symbol of an x shape insignia, but Robin knew that, that symbol meant good luck. She also had many knife holders around her waist. Her mask was also black covering her mouth and nose, leaving her bluebell eyes full on display. Her hair was out in loose waves and had a deep blue tinge to it. She was just plain beautiful, the team was left gaping at the girl in front of them.

"Team this is Karma but her civilian identity is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She just recently moved to Gotham, treat her well." After Batman left and Karma, Marinette took off her mask leaving a smirk on the girl's face. She observed her new teammates with calculating eyes, studying their every movement. "Hi Marinette, my name is Kaldur. I am the team's leader. That is Artemis, Robin, Wally, Conner and M'gann." Kaldur said as he gestured towards the team. Wally sped ahead and circled around Marinette asking her questions. "Do you have any powers or abilities?" She smiled slightly at the speedsters' curiosity, very childlike wonder. "No I don't have any powers but I am good at close combat and not bad at using a knife either. Like how Artemis isn't too bad at her bow or Robin with his batarangs." Robin and Artemis both smiled at her which she happily returned. M'gann quickly entered the conversation. "Do you have any hobbies?" The martian happily said, "No not really I really only train. I used to bake and sew but don't do that much anymore. But I do have a job at a local cafe to keep money up." She shrugged innocently at her statement. Conner, who had remained silent the whole time, stepped forward, "I'm curious to see what you can do." Her smile turned into a smirk. They moved to the training area where Marinette stood waiting for anyone to step up. "Anyone up for a sparr, I promise I won't bite." Before Conner could, Kaldur stepped up to the mat and had a playful grin on his face. The others were a little surprised Kaldur decided to go up, he usually is a little more shy or quiet when it comes to things like this. But then the sparr began and their attention was brought back to the scene in front of them. Kaldur went for a punch to the face but Marinette dodged his attempt. She went low and tried to sweep his legs from under him but he stepped back in time. Kaldur went to pin her down but she rolled out of the way and got behind Kaldur and put her arm around his neck but he got ahold of her and flipped her over but that only worked in her favour as she kicked him under the chin while doing so. He stumbled back before regaining his composure. He smiled at her, no one really posed a challenge while sparring so he was enjoying it this time, and she smiled right back. They continued on for another few minutes neither getting the upper hand. But that was until Kaldur left his right side open and Marinette saw it immediately and punched him in the abdomen and then proceeded to pin him down to the mat. Her legs were spread over his abdomen holding him down while her hands pinned down his arms. Their faces were extremely close but neither of them fully noticed as they were pantig through their bright smiles and a small tinge of pink on both of their faces. She eventually got off of him and lifted her hand up to pull him up which he gratefully accepted. "That was quite a sparr my friend and fun.Hope we can do it again some time." Marinette's smile brightened if that was possible. "Me too Fishboy, me too."
While the rest of the team stood there shocked as Marinettes just bet their leader.

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