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Lily had just finished her shopping and had brought over a basket of food over to the Shelby's she struck the door three times before a young boy  answered the door "hello Finn,is Polly there?" She looked behind him "how do you know my name" he asked
"Oh so you don't remember me then" he shook his head " I was.... A friend of your brother" she thought over her word carefully
"Really" she nodded "I used to wipe your arse" she  whispered as if it was a secret "ewww" he held his nose

"Finn move from the door" a gruff voice shouted "but there's someone at the door Arthur" he turned behind him " I think you might like her" Finn smirked Arthur walked up to the door standing behind little Finn "queenie?" He almost gasped at the sight of her "well come in"

He had heard rumors of her arrival but had not yet seen her face "are you here for Thomas?" He awkwardly asked "no, I came to give you these" lily scoffed pointing to the table which she had placed a basket on
"Oh" he scratched his head they sat awkwardly together waiting Arthur trying to make idle chat

"I heard you went to France?" He looked at her she nodded "yeah the doctors are meant to be better over there apparently" she nodded

"Doctors?" "Mum was, well she is sick so we went to go get help but I guess doctors aren't that good in France neither" she rolled her eyes sarcastically "It's just I thought you left because-" " I know I've heard the rumors thee not true, I can o...

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"Mum was, well she is sick so we went to go get help but I guess doctors aren't that good in France neither" she rolled her eyes sarcastically
"It's just I thought you left because-"
" I know I've heard the rumors thee not true, I can only guess who made them" she looked directly at Arthur who had a guilty look on his face knowing he and Thomas had spread the rumor to save Thomas the embarrassment

"You know, he does still care who knows he might even love you"
Lily laughed "love does fuck all Arthur, you should know that the best" she lit a cigarette offering him one

"Maybe you right" he took a cigarette from her pack "Arthur!" Thomas called after coming in

"I'm in here" arthur called back
Thomas stepped in the room taking off his cap "Arthur I need... What's she doing here?" He pointed at lily

"Didn't nobody ever tell you it's rude to point Shelby" she asked ignoring her complete dismissal Thomas looked at Arthur for some sort of explanation but Arthur just shrugged he looked a lily "I've got enough problems as-"
"Is that what I am a problem?" She laughed

"Why did you even come fucking back?what do you gain from breaking my heart" he gave up
Lily put out her cigarette and stood up Infront of Thomas

"I didn't mean to break your heart" she said in a hushed whisper putting her hand on the side of his face, they held each others gaze for a moment before she made it clear she was leaving

"Bye Arthur" she kept eye contact with Thomas before leaving

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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