Chapter 4 A Promise

Start from the beginning

"Who is your friend?" she asked me.

Her inhuman hearing scares me.

I turned to look behind me. Baji stupid as he took my mother in. Her unseeing eyes were looking towards us. There was a breathing tube in her nose. Yet, she smiled warmly at us nonetheless.

On our way to the hospital, I did my best to try to talk him out of coming along with me but he was persistent in meeting her. I kept thinking of ways to stop him. I could have threatened him. I could have beaten him. Maybe broke his leg. In the end, I couldn't get myself to lay a hand on him.

"This is Baji-san. He is my classmate," I introduced him.

"Now, now. You wouldn't simply bring over a classmate. He must be very important to you for you to bring him to see your dear old mother."

"I told you," I said, grabbing her frail hand, "You aren't old."

She laughed, "Aren't you going to argue that he isn't important to you?"

"Because he isn't. He insisted on meeting you when he found out certain things."

"Oh," she said, "And what did you learn, Baji-kun?"

"I- I. Well. Ma'am. I don't really want to repeat-"

She laughed, "It's alright. Do not worry yourself. And please, call me Hikari."

Baji smiled at my mother, "Will do, Hikari-san."

"I like this boy," my mom said, squeezing my hand, "I approve."

Of course you would.

"Will you promise me something, Baji-kun?"

"It depends on what that is."

"How honest of you. I like that. I would like you to promise me that you will take care of my precious child. I know circumstances are dangerous. I am not asking you for your protection but Ayato has a way of pushing people away and taking on all the burden. It is far too much for my precious child."

"I'm fine."

She ignored me, "All I ask is that you be there. I do not want my precious child to suffer alone."

"Mom, I already told you that I don't want to get anyone involv-"

"I promise, Ayato will never suffer alone again."

I turned my gaze to Baji as he looked at my mother. I didn't not hear any deception in his words. He was being completely serious.

"Thank you," I turned to my mother as tears began to form in her eyes, "You've made this mother so very happy. You see, I love my Ayato with everything in me. My child is my everything. It did not matter how Ayato was conceived. My child was a gift for what I had to endure. A gift that I treasure so much. I only wished I could have-"

Her voice broke as the tears slid down her cheeks.

"Mom..." My heart tightened in my chest. "You are an amazing mother."

She shook her head, "I should have protected you more."

I brought her hand to my lips, kissing it, "You protected me just fine. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm lucky to have a mom like you."

I was being honest. Instead of her despising me for existing and for being a constant reminder of the violence that had been put on her body, she accepted me in her warm embrace and loved me. Her resilience was her strength. It was too bad her body was weak.

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