22: this time is little that thou hast

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"You're very pretty when you're being powerful," I say, swirling my fingers on Edward's cheeks as I sit on top of him in bed. It's a lazy Saturday morning and we've got a concert later to go to, but that's all. Teddy is on his bed doing all manner of plotting with several history books and a game of Risk he's playing with himself. I'm being annoying and waking up my boyfriend.  Well, it's a slow, January day and we've not got anything better to do. Teddy's parents have publicly announced his former identity's death so we had a death day party on Friday that was fun. For us.
"I want to sleep," Edward mumbles, hanging his head off the bed.
"And I want to look at your pretty eyes open—sorry we're being gross Teddy," I say, we're not really, we're only being silly, but it's probably annoying I realize.
"I'm not paying attention to you at all," Teddy says, still looking at all of his books.
"Good—-did you not go to sleep?" Edward wakes up and focuses his eyes on Teddy's little corner of the room.
"No, too busy," Teddy says.
"Doing what?" Edward asks.
"Invading France," idly, not looking up.
"He's happy," I say, kissing Edward's cheek then forehead, lightly.
"Should we be concerned? I feel like yes, but too tired," Edward peels himself up and wraps his arms around me before falling back down. "Valentine's day is in two weeks it's going to be ridiculous not to kiss you. I shall have to be ill all day."
"You are very dramatic," I say, but I let him hug me as he tries to go back to sleep. "And I'm getting hungry. I'll go get breakfast without you."
"No, I'm up—-okay, I'm up—,"
There's a knock on our room door. It's a little early for the nuns to be inspecting but we three dive across the room to start taking down posters and things.
"It's Father Thomas," Father Thomas says.
"Oh thank god," Edward opens the door as Teddy and I peel ourselves off of posters we were trying to hide.
"Gaveston? Dean Alleyn needs you in his office," Father Thomas says, kindly, "Best get dressed."
"What about?—are my parents okay?" I ask, realizing that that could be why I'm being summoned at this hour.
"I don't know, he called and said to come myself and bring you," Father Thomas says, nicely.
"Okay, two minutes," I say. Edward closes the door so that I can pull on jeans and the first sweatshirt I find, an Admiral's sweatshirt of Edward's.
"I'll come," Edward says, searching for clothes as well.
"It's fine, it's probably my mother complaining she can't get a hold of me," I say. I do return her calls just, like, it takes me a while. I'm busy. I have a full schedule plus necessary shenanigans with Teddy and bothering my boyfriend.
"I'll walk you," Edward says, frowning a little.
"He did say alone," Father Thomas says to Edward who appears with me.
"But—," Edward frowns.
"I'll be with him," Father Thomas says, "Perhaps save him some breakfast?"
Edward nods, squeezing my hand as he hands me my winter coat.
"You really have no idea?" I ask.
"No, but Coach was not summoned so I assume it isn't academic as he signed off on your scholarship," Father Thomas says, nicely, though his face is set with concern as well. Together we tromp through the snow towards the main hall. Hardly anyone else is up let alone about at this time of the morning, and we make tracks through the freshly fallen snow on the familiar path from Dover house.
When we get to Dean Alleyn's office, I make the mistake of walking in first.
My mother, two state troopers, and a local cop, all stand in the room with Dean Alleyn.
I immediately try to turn around and calmly walk out but I run into Father Thomas who is coming in after me and stops me on instinct.
"Piers—," my mother is already crying.
"What is going on?" Father Thomas asks.
"Sorry, I need to go," I say.
"Piers, sit down," Dean Alleyn says.
"No, what is going on answer us," I say, remaining in the room though.
"Piers, don't," my mother is actively crying now.
"Father were you aware of sexual assault charges against Mr. Gaveston from his time playing hockey?" Dean Alleyn asks.
"I was not," Father Thomas says, calmly.
"NO—-that was a mistake it was all a mistake," I say, quickly.
"We tried," my mother is still crying.
"Mr. Gaveston never would have been admitted to the Rose and Swan had this been known, however, he is here and we have more complaints, of inappropriate sexual conduct with team mates," Dean Alleyn says.
"No—that's ridiculous, no, I haven't done anything," I say, shaking my head, as my mind races. What do they know? What did they see? Edward and I were careful, Coach knows and he's caught us, that's it. "No who—what look this is all a misunderstanding let me explain."
"Why don't you?" The trooper asks.
"In seventh grade I kissed a team mate yes but it was mutual kiss it was nothing and it wasn't unwanted —," I begin.
"That's not what the reports say," Dean Alleyn says.
"What evidence do you have? I understand a suspension while all this gets taken care of but I think we should hear both sides of the story," Father Thomas says, glancing at my face to check the level of panic.
"Yes, who are they saying I did this to? I have a couple of roommates ask them, get them both in here, they can tell you they're perfectly fine with me," I say.
"We are interviewing a variety of people, however, Piers is under arrest," the one police officer says.
"No," I say, shaking my head. It's a trick. Someone did this. Someone set me up. "Just—just get my roommate, or my Coach they know I've not done anything."
"We will interview anyone relevant, but you do need to come with us right now," the trooper says.
"Where is he going?" Father Thomas asks.
"Just a state youth facility where he can be held until trial. Charges were filed this morning," the other trooper says.
"But due to his past record he will not be returning to Rose and Swan," Dean Alleyn says.
"No—-that record is fake, it's fake—I didn't do anything wrong then, and I've done nothing now," I say.
"Piers you're going to need to cooperate with them we'll take care of you all right?" Father Thomas asks, "Listen to me, I will go and tell your friends, but you need to cooperate. And wait for a lawyer."
"I called a lawyer," my mother is actively sobbing which is not helpful to the current situation.
"I'm going to read you your rights now," one of the cops says, "Do I need cuffs or will you come with us?"
"I'll come with you," I say, numbly. It's over. It's really over. I always knew it would be, I suppose. Good things don't last. I put my hand up to clutch Edward's ring on the chain on my neck.
The cop reads me my rights then they lead me out of the building. A much less triumphant walk than my first time up these steps, my head held high none the less, as I stare out at the familiar, snowy grounds.
They are halfway to the cars when I hear Edward shout my name. Naturally I turn to run to him, but they hold me back, hauling me to the squad car.
"No—-no you cannot leave me, you cannot take him—-just wait you cannot take him," Edward gets held back by two more cops as he strains to get to me. I try to tug away but they bear me on, two on each arm.
"I will be back in hell but it was worth it. You are worth it, know that, worth every single minute," I say, forcing myself to smile past my tears as he struggles towards me, unable to even take my hand one last time before I'm born away.

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