chapter eleven ✤

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It was a week later and George hadn't heard much from Dream, he had texted him a couple of times and Dream had responded, but the texts were short and dry.

Dream had never called him either and George wondered if that was because he wasn't cutting himself or because he was too stubborn and would never ask for help, either way, there was little he could do.

He had gone to their flat, Dream hadn't been there, but Sapnap had. It was his last week at university before he broke up for the winter holidays and the university was holding a ball which he wanted both of them to come to.

Sapnap had very happily accepted the invitation and had told him that he would force Dream to come no matter what, which had made George happy. He was going to get ready with Niki and Wilbur and had decided on meeting them there.

"Are you sure this looks good?" Sapnap asked, he was in the bathroom and Dream was in front of him, trying his best to do up his tie.

"If you keep moving it won't." Dream replied, having to undo it and start again. "There we go." Dreams said, once he had done it. 

He moved aside so Sapnap could look in the mirror. The mirror had a large crack in the middle and it seemed to be permanently cloudy, so it didn't really serve its purpose.

"You know I think it looks better without the tie." 

"It looks fine Sapnap, stop playing with it." Dream was buttoning up the cuff of his own black shirt.

"I feel like we're going to look like idiots." Sapnap was now trying to fix his hair, he had wet his hand under the sink and was trying to make the top strands lay flat. 

"It doesn't matter if we're getting free drinks." Dream replied, smacking Sapnap's hand away from his hair. "Stop worrying and let's just go."

Sapnap rolled his eyes. If he was going to a fancy ball, he wanted to look the part. Dream wasn't understanding this.

"Fine." Sapnap muttered, making his way out of the bathroom and over to the front door.

"We don't have to go anyway." Dream said, he was trying to find his phone.

"I told George we would, we're not going to bail now." Sapnap replied. Dream had now found his phone. "Free drinks remember." Sapnap added on as they walked out of the door and into the lift.

As they walked towards the university it was clear that this ball was large. There were boys and girls dressed all fancy, in both suits and long flowing dresses, they were all around them and this was before they had even reached the entrance.

"You know I love George, but he was definitely on something when he invited us here." Sapnap said, turning towards Dream.

Both of them felt incredibly out of place, this wasn't what they were used to.

"You leave I leave." Dream replied, staring up at the banner that spelled out the words 'winter ball.'

The two of them headed up the stairs and a drink of champagne was handed to them almost instantly. Sapnap downed it and smiled. "I could get used to this." He said quickly, making Dream laugh.

Soon they were in the main room. It was huge and lit up in blue, little snowflakes dangled down from the ceiling on invisible pieces of string.

Dream couldn't help but smile, he had been to fancy places before, but he was always the one waitressing or working, he had never been the guest.

"Fuck," Sapnap whispered under his breath as he spun around, he was trying to take it all in. "Where do you think George will be?" He then asked, before another glass was shoved into his hands.

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