Chapter Fifthteen.

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get y'all tissues ready

sorry for spelling errors!

That same day..

riley pov

'OH MY GOSH NO!' i screamed.

my body fell hard to the ground as the bullet hit me..

"RILEY!" was the only word i heard from sharife before i closed my eyes.

Sharife pov.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU OMAR!" i shouted then omar ran out the hose quickly.

i grabbed my phone quickly and called 911..

after i got off the phone i ran to riley and picked up her body.

"riley.." i felt my eyes start to watered.

i laid her on the bed, then took off my shirt and put it on her stomach putting pressure on it. 

"i promise i'll take care of you.. please don't give up on me please don't.." i put my forehead on hers letting the tears come down.

"i need you so bad."

then i heard the ambulance with the police sirens and i picked up her body and carried her downstairs.

the door was still open so they walked in and started asking me questions as the paramedics took her out my arms.


"sir can you continue to tell us what happened, and where does this young man stay at?" the officer said.

i continued to speak to them and they told me that was on it and left her house.

"i'm so fucked man.."

how is her mom going to react? i need to let her know before i go to the hospital because this is her daughter!

i walked out the house and closed the door then i seen a car pull up and got out.

they got out and i looked closely.. that looks like riley mom they look just alike.

"are you breaking in my house sir!" she pointed at me running up to me.

"wait wait! i'm riley's close friend and i have to tell you something." i put my hands up.

"umm.. are you sure? why are you shirtless?" she questioned.

"ma'am.. your daughter.. s-she got s-shot." i stuttered out trying not to break down.

she looked at me and i seen angry and fear in her eyes.

"WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER AND WHO DID IT!" she grabbed my wrist.

"ma'am she's at the nearest hospital, a-and her ex omar did it.."

"HE WHAT- I WANT TO SEE MY DAUGHTER!" she started crying as her voice cracked.

this was crushing me so bad man..

"come on!" i told her and i let her get in my car and i hurried got my jacket from the trunk putting it on, and we was off to the hospital.

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