Part 2 // Chap. 4: Rocky's Flashback Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

So I took her to my house where Lana was waiting impatiently for me. She was indeed surprised to see me come with a girl of her age.
I told her all the adventures of the young girl while she ate wildly what Lana gave her to eat.
"Young girl, you didn't tell me your name."

"Sir ... My name is Stella." she said to me.

A pretty name. A name that made me think of Skye, you my friends, my first family, my favorite town.
Stella then came to sit between me and Lana, and she began to tell us about her life.
She told us that she is a kind of slave, that she works for thieves. She tried to run away lots of times, but every time she got caught, her boyfriend and his friends rape her for days.
But she didn't give up hope, she ran away again, and when she stole some fruits from a supermarket, the police grabbed her. She also told us her hatred for prison, she didn't want to go where there are all the bad people who can abuse her.

Lana and I looked at each other and made the decision to keep Stella with us.

The days went by, my affection for Stella kept increasing but one day a group of people entered our house.
Stella opened the door and was terrified, it was her boyfriend with his friends who found us I don't know how.
I stepped forward, and threatened this guy by telling him that I will call the police if he won't leave.
"Oh, but I just have to show the police some papers that prove who this girl belongs to. So you'll be a kidnapper and you'll go to jail" Stella's boyfriend told me.
They all left our house and Stella begged me to do something. If she goes with them, she won't be able to live.

Lana and I talked for a long time to find a solution, but unfortunately no solution existed.
"You have to marry her. So she will be under your surveillance, and her boyfriend's papers won't prove anything to the police anymore" Lana said.
"What! No! I want to marry you, Lana!" I said
"We'll see that later. You have to get married as soon as possible first!" she said to me.
Stella agreed with Lana. I hesitated, then decided to accept Lana's offer.

A few hours later, I signed a piece of paper stating that I was Stella's husband, and after a quick marriage, we were married.
The police arrived right after following her boyfriend's complaints, and I proved to them that Stella is married to me.
The police apologized and left.

A few weeks later, I saw Lana different. She wasn't the same anymore, she only stayed out at night and she absolutely wanted me and Stella to sleep together.
I loved Lana, she was my girlfriend.
One day, Lana managed to buy us a large house in the forest, completely recycled but empty.
Stella was very excited, and I saw her more and more happy and beautiful every day.

Lana therefore lived in our old house, alone. And Stella and I, in a big house.
For a while, she was coming and she was tinkering with me to make new objects.
We no longer kissed.
Lana set up traps all around our big house to prevent Stella's ex from coming.

The days passed, Stella confessed that she loved me and kissed me. I didn't do anything, I just showed her that I loved her too.
I rarely saw Lana. I still loved her. I know she loved me too. But we had to separate for the protection of a girl.

Rocky was about to continue when Chase intervenes.

Chase: Wait, but Stella didn't know you and Lana were a couple?

Rocky: She knew it, but she never took it seriously.

"More than 2 years have passed, and one day, Stella invited me to lie down next to her. We cuddled, kissed, and she said:
"Rocky, I'm in heat. And I absolutely want to f..."

Rubble: I'm sorry, but can we skip this entire scene?

Zuma: Damn Wubble! This is the most intewesting scene! Let me listen!

Rubble: I don't want to listen to the next scene!

Zuma: But I love the next scene! I need to listen!

Rocky: Calm down, I'll skip it.

Zuma: Damn!!

"Anyway, we realized this love that lasted a few hours. And the next day, Stella was pregnant of Zuma, my baby that you all know him."

Zuma: And that you named this baby my name, because you missed me.

Rocky: Yeah, Zuma ... no need to remind me ...

Ryder: Keep going, Rocky.

"One day, while Stella was breastfeeding Zuma, I went to Lana's place. I missed her and loved her very much.
We talked to each other and hugged each other regretting not spending our life together.
But then ... I don't know what happened to me ... I grabbed Lana, I blocked her against the wall, and I kissed her on her body and then on her lips for 10 long minutes.
I apologized then, but Lana wanted more. She got comfortable and ... "

Zuma: Wait! When you say she makes herself comfortable ... you mean ...

Rocky: Yeah.

"She got comfortable, and kissed me more. We fell on her bed and began ..."

Zuma: Yes, yes! Another one! I love that!

Rubble: No! Take that scene away from me!

Zuma: Shut up Wubble!

"The next day, Lana and I found out that Lana was pregnant and that I'm the father ..."

Zuma: And the scene!? I want to listen to the whole scene in fine details!

"I didn't say anything to Stella. I thought I was making a big mistake but at the same time not really, because Lana was the love of my life.
The rest, you all know it. I saw Rubble stealing a cake from my house, I met Zuma, I saw Ryder and Katie in Marshall's fire station, I witnessed the rescue of Skye and Marshall, I helped Chase to beat Mike, we all went back to Adventure Bay. Lana gave birth without me being with her ... and here I am, lost and sad."

Ryder: Rocky ... everything will be fine. Tell me what happened.

“When we were at Adventure Bay I got a call from Stella's ex. He told me that he captured Stella and my baby Zuma and that he's waiting for me to fight him. If I don't come in time, he will kill her. My first instinct is to go to my lover Lana's, but as soon as I enter her house, I found a note saying that she was too and my baby girl was also captured by Stella's ex. I don't know what to do anymore ... I lost everything. Lana, Stella, Zuma and ... my little baby girl are the 4 most important things in my life. "

Ryder: We must be smart. It's necessary for...

Rocky: No, I don't need you.

This sudden change from Rocky surprises Ryder.

Ryder: Rocky ...

Rocky: I called you to tell you that if you won't see me anymore, I would be dead !!

Ryder: Rocky, calm down. We'll find a solution...

Rocky: What solution!?

Rocky stands up and starts imitating Ryder.

Rocky: Paw Patrol, to the Lookout ... blahblah .... Paw Patrol Ready for action ... No! It doesn't work anymore! He's going to kill them, I have to go alone and now!

Rocky looks back at his friends a last time and he leaves them running away.

Skye: Ryder, we have to help him. But now that he's gone...

Ryder: You don't know me Skye. While I was stroking Rocky, I installed a small device on his fur that will locate him.

Chase: Hm...Evil.

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