Louis chuckled and shook his head fondly. Harry was always such a positive lad, always excited about something.

Suddenly, a small groan was heard from Harry. He lifted his head a little, his hair was wild and his eyes were half closed still.

"Morning, Bug!" Louis smiled and walked closer.

Harry didn't say anything, just sat up and lifted his arms out to Louis. Louis picked him up and bounced him on his hip. "Still a little sleepy?" He asked.

Harry rested his head on Louis' shoulder and nodded.

"Too sleepy to make pancakes and carve pumpkins?"

This perked him up.

"We do punkins?" He asked excitedly past his soother.

"We sure will, Bubba. Just gotta have breakfast first."

Harry clapped his hands together and smiled at Louis from behind his pacifier.

"Can I get a kissy first?" Louis asked. Harry leaned forward and pressed his pacifier against Louis' mouth and giggled.


After Harry helped wake the other two boys and breakfast was eaten, it was time for pumpkin carving!

Harry had made sure to pick out the best pumpkins when he went to the store with Niall and Louis the day before and he had been waiting to carve them in 'funny faces' (his words) all morning.

"Alrighty, pumpkin, let's carve pumpkins," Niall said, ruffling Harry's hair.

Harry giggled, "I not a punkin, Nini!"

"Oops, sorry, pumpkin!" Niall teased, laughing at Harry's pout.

"What face do you want on your pumpkin, bubs?" Louis asked.

"A nice one. Not too scary, Boo," Harry said.

Only Harry would want a 'nice' pumpkin. "I think we can do that," Louis reassured him.

"I wan' 'im to be smiley!" Harry told him.

Louis laughed at his big smile. "How about we have Zee draw you out a big, smiley pumpkin?"

Harry nodded, Zayn had been put in charge of drawing the designs on the pumpkins because he was the only one who had any artistic talents.

"Zee, can you dwaw a smiley on my punkin, pwease?" Harry asked.

"Of course I can!" Zayn pinched Harry's cheek gently and started drawing. "How's that, bub?"

Harry looked at the face very closely before answering, "Looks so good, Zee!"

"I'm glad you like it," Zayn chuckled.

Harry looked back to Louis, "What we doin' now, Boo?"

"Now, we have to scoop the pumpkins guts out," Louis told him.

Harry made a face, "That yucky, Boo!"

"I'll help you, it'll be okay."

Louis cut the top off the pumpkin, making sure Harry, who was very curious, stayed away from the knife.

Once the top was off, Louis showed Harry how to scoop all the pulp out and Harry had a funny, disgusted look.

"I fink you do that part, Boo," Harry said finally.

All the boy laughed at the boy's sassiness. "But, Bubba, it's your pumpkin. You gotta help."

Harry sighed and said, "I try but you gotsta move my shirt first."

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