Jade bolted awake, blankets trapped her legs and she lashed out fighting to free herself. Her dream ebbed away from her waking consciousness as pain drove her back to the real world. Her stomach twisted and Jade fell out of her bed fighting to get free of the blanket that stubbornly twisted around her ankle. She pressed a hand over her mouth as the pain caused her to cough and gag, she could feel the blood rising in her throat. Panicked Jade frantically stuffed her hand in her pack and pulled out the cloth she had already bloodied. The fit drove daggers into her stomach and she coughed violently as the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth and sprayed over her lips. She breathed ragged breaths and finally the attack passed. She leaned against the bed heaving gulps of hair and blinked the tears away from her eyes. She tried to swallow the bitter taste of blood, but her mouth was dry, and her throat stung from the blood and violent coughing.

                Jade dropped her head back on the mattress and stared at the ceiling while her hands shook and her heart slowed. She hadn't had a nightmare since the last time she returned out of the woods without a Guardian, right before she had fled from Felkor to start a new life and Jade couldn't recall the last time an attack had woken her from her sleep. They happened randomly, came without warning a left without a trace apart from the blood. But they had hardly ever disturbed her sleep.

                Jade looked down at the rag with disgust, old blood was mixed with a fresh red stain. It hadn't been a particularly violent attack, but it was the second attack in two days. Jade thought that perhaps the attacks were getting better. When she left Felkor they had become more and more infrequent. She had even dared to hope that perhaps the weakness had left her body that the sickness, whatever it was, would finally be nothing but a memory.

                Jade crumpled the rag in her hand angrily, but the disease that had wrecked her body since she was a child was relentless, it was as if it were telling Jade now that she would never be free of it. Jade started, realizing that it wasn't just anger she felt, but guilt. What happens if an attack hits you when you are protecting the prince, what happens when you're curled up and helpless when someone is about to drive a knife into Reiner's heart?  Jade pushed herself to her feet and slammed her fist down next to the wash basin. The clear water inside the basin vibrated and sloshed from the impact. Jade looked in the mirror, there was still a drop of blood on her lips and she licked it away violently. Jade had always denied that she was weak, that the attacks didn't define her. They had never happened in a fight or around others, it seemed to Jade that it crept along silently until she was alone and vulnerable to only herself when it chose to strike. But Jade couldn't ignore the thought or the guilt, it was a possibility that Jade couldn't deny or ignore. She had always chosen to charge ahead and face the problem when I was presented, and now that moment had come and Jade had to give an answer.

                Jade was no longer just responsible for herself, so what was she to do?  If I become a burden, or a risk to Reiner I will resign without hesitation. Jade smiled as a stronger, more assuring realization and answer came to her. Besides...I'm not on my own anymore. Jade had Phantom now, and wherever she lacked he would fill, she knew he would not fail her. The guilt receded and Jade left the crumped rag next to the basic to splash water on her face. A knock came to her door and Jade paused for a moment, unsure of which door had been knocked on. The sound came again and she went and opened the one that led out into the hallway.

                Two women stood before her, dressed plainly with their hair pulled back, the one that stood a little more in front smiled at Jade. "Good day madam, we were informed to come and assist you." She was older than Jade but the other who stood a little back couldn't have been more than seventeen.

**OLD DRAFT**Sworn: Book 2 of Protectors**OLD DRAFT**Where stories live. Discover now