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"Ahh! Lalisa you are here!" Grandmother greeted

"Yes grandmother, so what is it that you wanted?" I asked while asking a maid to bring us a cup of tea

"When are you coming back with us?" She asked and I stopped but answered as plainly as possible

"Soon..." I answered as I looked down while clenching my hand

"It better be, you know I only have my hopes on you, this is also what your father would have wanted"

I knew that she was right

"Grandmother, please keep my identity a secret," I said as I started at my grandmother

"Of course, if that is what you want, Lali" she replied

I then asked her if she wanted to stay here for the night

"Thank you for the invitation Lali, but I will go straight home, and please think more about it one last time, have a pleasant night, goodbye"

"Lisa...are you okay?" Seulgi asked me, I only nodded before hugging her softly

She smells nice

Seulgi blushed as she stroked Lisa's back

She seems so vulnerable, it's cute

"Let's go to bed, tomorrow we'll head to school early," I said and Seulgi looked dejected

"U-Ummm if you want to, would you sleep with me," She asked while smiling brightly and I agree


I was shocked, the Manoban's head told us that she was Lisa's grandmother but Lisa denied it

Is she really from that Manoban family?

I knew her behaviour was odd but I just thought it was natural for her

Even grandfather seems shocked

He even changed the school rule so that the Manoban family would be satisfied

I didn't know grandfather would play a favour. I thought he was always strict

I went home with a lot on my mind, I wanted to ask someone

Wait...why am I so concerned about someone else's life

I went home and noticed Lisa wasn't home yet. I took my book out and did my homework

Time passed by, and Lisa still hasn't gotten home.

She must've gone somewhere after school and that's against the rules but then again grandfather will allow it if it was her

Now that I am alone, I felt empty, I was always alone. I want to see my father

I didn't notice I was already asleep. I woke up hearing the doorknob opening

I saw Lisa with three girls I presume are her cousins

I wanted an explanation but she just shrugged it off. It seems like she is in a hurry so I didn't want to annoy her

I looked behind her and saw a brunette, she looks a lot like Lisa

Mother came back and a brown-haired girl spoke harshly at her. I was shocked

Why would she say that to her?

I then saw Lisa bowing and left the apartment leaving our mother a sobbing mess. I felt angry

How could she do that and where would she live?!

I wanted an explanation but Lisa got angry and offended me

That girl seriously, I just wanted to help!

I walked back into the apartment and comforted Mother. After she calmed down, I asked for an explanation

She nodded and asked me to sit on the couch in the living room while she brought us some tea

"So what do you want to know about first, Jen?" She asked nicely

"What just happened and why does she show no empathy when she saw you like that? I thought she cared about you?"

"So what happened was that Lisa isn't my daughter anymore because she doesn't want to have Kim's name"

"Can you explain more about it?" I asked getting curious

"Lisa has been trained to be an excellent heir for the Manoban but one day because of an accident she drifted apart from the Manoban leaving her sister and cousin her grandmother keep wanting her back, and she used every power to get her back and ended up, because I didn't tell her about marrying your father it has become like this"

I knew something was off

"But why? It is just because of Kim's name or because her grandmother approached her every time?"

"It was because of her father. Lisa was close to him, and they spent a lot of time together and it was his wish that Lisa should become the Manoban's head"

"I see...but what is this accident that you have always talked about?" I asked

"You might or might not have known that the brunette-haired girl, Minnie is her sister. Also, my youngest daughter. I have left you out a lot but I will tell you everything tonight alright?" She said calmly

"Yes Mother...thank you"

"...That day Minnie was in an operation, Minnie has been sick since she was little. We were scared because the doctor said that the risk of failure is high. Lisa can't stand it anymore she was too anxious and begged her grandmother saying she would do anything just for her to save Minnie. Even though she knew her grandmother was scheming, she still begged her...the next thing we know my ex-husband, Lisa's father has died. Her mother took his child's heart for her granddaughter"

"Minnie healed but still needed medication. The once glimmering Lisa has disappeared since her father died. She always blamed herself for everything and even...I was blinded by hatred. I tormented Lisa occasionally, and one day her grandmother knew and Lisa decided to get out of the Manoban and ended up here"

"So all the injuries Lisa had weren't because of a fight but were caused by you, Mother?" I asked feeling pity for Lisa

"Yes I don't have any excuses, but Lisa never hated me that's why I felt even more guilty. Ahhh...Jennie, you should go to bed, it's already late dear"

"Yes, goodnight Mother," I said as I felt

isn't a trace of Lisa anywhere now-

I went to bed and tried to sleep but can't help imagining Lisa sleeping next to me

"It feels cold," I mumbled

When Lisa was here it felt warm, I sleep after quite some time

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