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Eleanor woke up in her new home in Storybrooke and smiled as she realized where she was. Regina really had succeeded. The woman got up and walked over to a mirror, inspecting her new look. Her long, dark blue hair was gone, instead she now sported a stylish short grey hairdo and her youthful appearence had remained. She smiled but frowned as she heard cries of children and then it hit her. Rapunzel! She was there and so were the twins. Eleanor had really won. She had her daughter back.

She quickly got dressed in a black pencil skirt and a dark purple long sleeved shirt and some black high heels before walking into Rapunzel's room. She remembered the girl's name was now Rosalie. "Good morning, sweetheart. Do you need help with anything?" She asked as she walled into the room and saw the twins were both crying. She was a little shocked to see Rosalie with even shorter hair than how she had cut it in the Enchanted Forest.

Rosalie sighed and looked at her mother. "Uhm yes, please? Can you take Raelyn and get her dressed?" She asked curiously and looked into her mother's green eyes with her big brown ones.

Eleanor smiled at her daughter and took her granddaughter into her arms. "Of course, my love. " she said and smiled. She loved the twins even though she didn't like the way they were conceived but now everything was well. Rapunzel didn't remember her prince and the prince didn't remember Rapunzel. She had really won. She quickly got Raelyn dressed and pulled the little girl's hair into a little ponytail. "There you go, you are all ready. " She told the little girl and kissed her chubby cheek.

Raelyn giggled and cuddled to her grandmother.

"Thank you, Mother. You are the best." Rosalie said softly and kissed her mother's cheek. "I will take them to day care now and then go to school." She said and took the twins downstairs.

Eleanor nodded and went downstairs as well. She had breakfast with Rosalie and the twins and then headed to her salon to get started on work.

Rosalie brought the twins to the day care and then went to school. The young blonde went over to her locker and took out her books for class. She walked towards her classroom and on the way ran into Jamie Prince. He was a handsome young senior who was in some of her classes. She blushed slightly as she saw him. Her mother would never allow her to speak to boys after what happened with the twins' father which seemed a bit extreme but that was just how her mother was.

Eleanor had always been extremely protective and never really let her do anything fun. Rosalie ran a hand through her very short hair and smiled at him. "Hi, Jamie" she said to him and then headed inside the classroom as it was already quite late and classes would begin soon.


At the salon Eleanor had a few clients. She loved the work as a hairdresser and this new life Regina gave her. It was all perfect. She had Rapunzel back and the prince was out of the way. She looked up as the next client entered the salon and smirked. "Hello, Madame Mayor " she said as she saw Regina. The curse had completely changed Regina's appearence too as her long hair was cut to her chin and her extravagant dresses were replaced by pant suits.

"Hello, Eleanor. I see you already adapted well to your new life. " She stated as she looked around the salon and then at Eleanor who's style had also drastically changed. Her blue hair was grey again and style in an elegant pixie look and she wore a very fancy dress and high heels.

"Oh, yes, I have. It's good to have my daughter back with me now and the twins." The older woman replied with a smile and gestured over to one of the salon chairs. "What can I do for you today?" She questioned as she watched Regina getting seated in the chair.


Rosalie got home from school after getting the twins from day care and made them a small snack. After they had their snack she got them dressed again and placed them in their stroller as she walked out to go to the park with them to get some air. She was mostly happy with her life now and the twins but she wondered sometimes what her life would be like if she didn't have the twins. Would their father have left her? Would her mother even still support her after everything? She would never know for sure what was going on in her mother's head but for now she was grateful for her love and support.

"Mama!" Raelyn whined as they reached the park and she tried getting out of the stroller.

Rosalie was shaken from her thoughts and chuckled as she bend down to their level and saw what Raelyn was doing. "You little rascal " she said and ruffled her hair before taking both of them out of the stroller so they could walk on their own for a bit.

Ryan walked with Raelyn, taking wobbly steps along side his sister as they were only starting to walk now.

Rosalie held their hands so they wouldn't fall. They were growing up so fast. She couldn't believe that they were already one. She enjoyed the time with just them and then soon returned with them, meeting her mom at the salon. She entered the salon with them and saw her mother was still busy. "Hi, Mom" she said softly.

Eleanor looked up as she heard her daughter's lovely voice and smiled at her. "Hello, my darling. How was your day?" She questioned curiously as she turned back to her client and was finishing up the hairstyle.

"It was alright. I went to the park with the twins after daycare " she explained and took out the twins from the stroller and sat down with them as she waited for her mother to finish work like usual. She looked out the class doors of the salon and noticed Jamie walking past and smiled as he waved at her but hoped her mom wouldn't notice. She knew her mother would freak out if she saw that she was interacting with boys.

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