"can we just have a few lasting seconds of peace while this idiot uses that thing to get the stars to align" Damon said looking at the sky and Bonnie wasn't paying attention to him as she looked down at the news paper on the floor

"hey" Damon called out "what's with the nature walk?" Damon asked annoyed, just wanting to get out of this place

Rain stood next to him and put her hand in his "i used the ascendant to figure out where we need to be during the eclipse" Kai explained walking ahead

"Great lets do some magic get the hell out of here" Damon said and his grip on Rain tightened, he felt bad for the girl, he knew that the fliting with Bonnie was affecting her head

"Oregon" Bonnie muttered looking at the paper and Damon and Rain looked at her confused

"what?" Rain said looking at her

"I've read this a thousand times. there's something about Oregon" Bonnie explained staring at the back of Kai's head

"you know Kai said he had all those brothers and sisters?" Bonnie asked and Damon made a 'mm-hm' noise "family massacred in Portland, the only one missing was the oldest boy a 22-year-old named Malachi" and Kai stopped hearing what Bonnie was saying

"who names a kid Malachi?" Kai said turning around to them "its like they expected me to be evil" Kai said and then looked to Rain who had her head down, his eyes then travelled to her hands which was linked with Damon's and jealousy rose in him

"these kids were murdered" Bonnie said in disbelief by his attitude of killing his own siblings

"hello? not everyone died" Kai said with a smile "i had a soft spot for one of my sisters, otherwise i would've cut her lungs out, not just her spleen" Kai said and Rains eyes widened, he never explained it like that to her


"you can survive without a spleen" Kai said like they were stupid

"something tells me your not speaking hypothetically" Damon cut in and Kai walked next to Bonnie and Rain shifted uncomfortably while Damon kept a nice grip on her hand

"Look, these two, i, uh, hung of the stairwell railing. then i put a hunting knife in abdomen and him, i drowned in the pool" Kai said looking at the news paper of his dead siblings "but he kept fighting me and i was, like 'i saved you for last, you ungrateful little...'" Kai said as he remembered his brothers death "anyway that was that" Kai said walking away

he grabbed Rain by the arm pulling her with him, making Damon and her hands pull apart "you just killed your whole family?" Bonnie spat at him in hatred

"coven, to be precise" he said as one hand was still around Rains wrist and the other was holding the ascendant in the air "oh, you know, a family of witches"

"your making her jump through hoops when your a witch" Damon said servilely annoyed by Kai now

"sort of, yeah. no powers, obviously oh and of course the Gemini Coven did not take it too well when they heard what i did in Portland" Kai said with a sarcastic smile on his face "that's why they banished me here"

Damon and Bonnie shared a knowingly look "this place is a prison" Bonnie said "they created it for you" Bonnie said looking back at Kai

"yup" Kai sighed as his hand found Rains, who had been super quite during this whole conversation "this isn't your hell Damon, its mine"

* * * * * * * *

"we're not letting Kai out of here, Okay? he just said he's a serial killer" Bonnie said opening the door to the Salvatore house

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