Just as I finish racing around the corner I curse seeing that my step mother has beat me to it. Storm is standing there, a tight grin on his face, trying to impress the family I suppose. My step mother seems to be yakking away, even having just met the guy. I suddenly feel a rush of possessiveness over him, why is she talking to him, why aren't I? I stand there for a second before his gaze darts over to me, and a wide, real grin spreads across his face.

"Hey babe" He says smiling happily, although at the same time he seems relived to have gotten her off his back.

"Babe..? What's going on here?" My step-mother asks.

I feel my cheeks heating up. "Uh...nothing, just a..um a...nickname....a gag thing really. Sorry Storm, just let me grab my wallet."

"A shirt might be a good idea too" He says mildly, holding back a laugh.

"Wha...?" I say looking down only to see my bare pale chest.

"Arg...er....um...I'll be right back" I say, my cheeks bright red "You ass" I whisper under my breath. He only laughs in return

As soon as I get back with my coat I notice my step mother continueing torturing Storm once again with her mindless Babels. His smile seems to be slowly slipping and I can't help but feel sorry for him. i run over to him and sneakily grab his hand so she can't see.

Once he feels the contact he looks down and me smiling and squeezes it once. I smile on back.

"Sorry ma'am, as interesting as your shopping experience sounds -" Storm says obviously referring to their earlier conversation "- I'm afraid we have to go, we have to uh..."

"Study very hard for this upcoming project." I interrupt.

"Alright, be back before ten"

I nod and we dash out the door.

"Oh thank the gods! We escaped! She never lets anybody out of that trap, I'm surprised we got out of there this month! Sorry about that..." I say apologizing for her as we walk towards his car parked in front of the house.

"Mmmm, don't worry about it, sweetheart, was too busy thanking the gods for those tight jeans." He winks while my cheeks redden. "Not to mention the nice show before you put that damn shirt on."

I choose to ignore the sexual vibes. "Yeah, well thanks to your stubbornness I had no idea how to dress!"

I look over at him, as this is the first time I've actually had the chance to admire his finely dressed body. He's wearing a black dress shirt with a few very fine white stripes running vertically. He sports a silk red tie to complement his shirt, and has on a pair of grey-black skinny jeans with a wallet chain running from his front pocket to his back. On his feet there were a pair of red vans to complete the outfit.

I can practically feel myself beginning to drool.

He laughs, "you look very nice too, Ivory." He says almost as if reading my mind.

He walks over to my side, opens the door and helps me in, without waiting for any sort of response. Just as I settle in, he kisses our now re-entertwinded hands and then smirks seductively at me. "You really do look so very cute."

He then walks over to his side, grabs my hand again and starts driving. As we go, a comfortable silence falls over us...well what would be a comfortable silence if my guilt wassn't slowly eating my insides out. I feel so bad about everything and I had no idea how to go about doing these things. Do I ask him? Do I tell him what I'm going to do? I don't even know what I'm going to do...

Do I do it today? Do I do it after the date? Do I do it later on?

"Storm?" I ask nervously.

"Yes, love?"

Demon (BoyXBoy)(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now