□ □ trip to st.Mungo's □ □

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We now walk up the stairs and he opens the door, there was no one on the counter nor in the whole shop, guess we got pretty lucky, we looked around for our favorite sweets and i gathered some chocolate frogs, licorice wands, Some pumkin pasties and a bertie botts every flavor beans

Just as the shop keeper arrives from the room behind the counter i dump all my sweets on the counter as the others do the same

"10 galleons" the cashier says ro me

"WHAT!" My eyes widen

"You heard me correct, 10 galleons" she says looking up from her glasses

As i started seaching in my wallet for 10 freaking galleons, i come through a paper, i dont get a chance to open it as i hear sirius paying of my money

"Hey you cant do that, its 10 galleons" i say cringing my left brow

"I just did" he says as everyone leaves. He snakes his hands around my waist

"Sirius you cant pay 10 galleons for me" i say stepping out of the door

"I can, love" he says kissing my forehead and i start to blush

"Where to next" he says excitedly as remus ruffles his hair and standing next to him

"Lets go to the shrieking shack" i say and instantly regretting my words as i see all four marauders smiling mischievously at each other

"Yeh lets go there" james says

We end up in front of the shrieking shack but we dont go in, cuz suddenly a letter arrives and drops on my shoulders, i open it and it says

Miss marlene mckinnon

There has been an attck at your house, your parents and brothers and your friends parents are injured

They are held in st. Mungo's

We are very sorry to say that your brother couldn't make it, with our condolences we are very sorry of your lose

The ministry of magic

A tear fall from my left eyes just as sirius snatches the letter from me, then after he finishes reading it then james does and then liky then alice and then it goes on

We agree on remus apparating us to st mungo's

We stand in front of a wide biulding quite magnificent actually, as we take the first step on the ground we run in to the first counter stood in front of the door

"You must be ms.Mckinnon, mr.Potter, mr. Lupin, ms.evans, mr.black and ms.Fortescue" the healer standinf before it says and we nod as she leads us to a double door she opens it and disappears to thw other hallway leaving us stood alone in front of 8 beds

We end up infront of out parents as the door to what seems like the bathroom opens and melvin with a bandage around his arm which was held by his neck comes out

I sigh in relief and rush to him, embrace him in a tight hug, the pressure i put in running probably stumbles him and he was on the verge to fall behind

"Your alright" i say looking at him

"Yeah" he says sitting on an epty bed which i presume is his

"Wait where is lydia" remus asks looking around

"Remus" melvin says softly

"Lydia was really badly hurt, and i mean really" melvin says looking at remus

"So where is she" he asks more stirnly

"I'll take you to her" he says and gets up as remus follows him

●Remus's pov●

Melvin sighs and walks down a dark passageway

We end up in front of a room a full black room with just one bed and one light, it was chillingly cold in here as we step in i recognize the body lying in front of me........its lydia

"She is alive but they used the unforgivable curse on her, the one that, you know........kills" he says looking at her

"We found her unconscious"

●lydia's pov●
(Its a flash back to what happened from lydias pov)

my parents left for my brothers last day and i'm left alone in the house

There isnt much for me to do, so i just check out the fridge every five minutes, i dont know i'm doing that

I settled down on rearranging my room, as i havent done that in a while

I'm halfway to cleaning the stuff left on the floor of my room and before cleaning

I again open the fridge but this time with purpose, i pour some pumkin juice in a cup and sit down to drink

Theres a knock on the door as i'm halfway done with my juice, i down the last bit and open the door to meet nothing but a red light threw at me

(End of Flashback)

●Marlene's pov●

Remus leaves the room with melvin and i cant help but think where are my parents

"Hey where are my parents" i ask the lady that was on the counter in front of the room

"Whats your name miss" she asks

"Marlene Mckinnon" i sigh

"Ohh" she says pause looking at me like i did something really bad

"You might wan tto talk to the healer" she says and leads me in an another room

A healer sits behind a spreaded desk

"Yes" he says still looking down on some parchments

"Its marlene mckinnon" she says and leaves us


Another chapter done!!!!!!!

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