□ □ date in hogsmead □ □

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Chapter 10

We both stode currently in hunydukes

"Where are the chocolate frogs" sirius said with a frown when i was searching for bertie botts every flavor beans and licorice wands

When we weee done and were standing in front of the counter with a hands full of sweets, we dumped our sweets on the table and the chasier said "20 galleons both of you" she said in a soft voice and smiled at us

"20 galleons......here" i said looking in my pockets. When i was about to pay sirius stopped me and said "m'lady let me pay"

"But sirius-" i started compaining but i was cut of by him

"Hmhm just let me pay" he said and gave me my chocolates

"You will pay for me in the next shop" he said

"Where are we going next" i asked

"Zonko's" he said excitedly

"Oh god, i might just be broke by the end of the day" i said under my breath but i heard him say

"Oh yeah you would be" he said

We entered the joke shop and sirius said "i need 4 dungboms, a fanged flyer, a extendable ear and....uhh..... and the sneakoscopes"

"Uhuh.....that..is alot of things.....what are you gonna do with all that" i asked confuesd

"Just some prank stuffs"


After sirius gathered all he wanted we payed and got out

We were now standing in Three broom sticks and found a booth to sit down

Sirius went out and oderd two butterbeers, and came back sit with me

"I like you sirius" i said out of just nowhere

He just smiled and said "i like you to marlene mckinnon" and got up and kissed me i laughed between his kisses

"Uhhhh....no.....what have i seen" james came in and said covering his eyes

"Shut up" i yelled smiling


James just laughed and sat down followed by lily

"You. Black. Kissing. Wow i can picture it" she said teasing me

"You too shut up" i said still smiling

They oderd two more butterbeers and sat down both and two my surprise james whisperd somtjings in her ear then she laughed and kissed him, i dont know what the fuck he said but i am happy for them

"So how was your date" lily asked

"Good so far until prongs here had to ruin it" sirius said glaring at him

"Oh please" james huffed smirking

"Oh so this is why the air isn't so pleasant in here today" rosier came to us and said "three blood traiters...." he waited a second to say smirking "a mudblood"

James stode up quickly with his wands point at rosier "i dare you say that again" james said

"Hmmm MUDBLOOD" Rosier repeated in a whisper

"Your so dead" james said and now both james and sirius pointed theyr're wands at him

"James, sirius sit down" lily yelled and of course they had to sit down now so they did

"Rosier. Leave. Now" i said and he turned to leave

"And" i started standing up " say that again to lily and i swear i will kill you"

"Anything for you love" he said smirking turning away again and disappearing in the crowd

"Ughh i will seriously kill him one day" i said angrily

"Hmm i will help you" sirius replied

"Good" i aaid smiling again


We were back at hogwarts and an in the common room, it was just me, lily, james, sirisu and remus. Peter was sleeping and alice and frank
were on a date

"Lets play truth and dare" sirius said
Everyone said yess, i did to but my gaze was at window just looking at rhe bright starsp

"Hmm james, truth or dare" sirius asked

"Truth" james replied

"Are you a virgin, you never really told us" he said and everybody looked at him but i was still staring at the stars

"Hmm.....no i am no" james replied and lily asked "like literally" she was shocked but i know she was overjoyed right now

"Yes lils literally....now my turn.
Lily truth or dare" james asked her


"Do you like me" he asked and everyone oooed and ahhhed

"Dare....this is not up for discussion i am taking a dare" she replied and no one can really tell her otherwise now

"Hmmm........i dare you to tell me the truth about do you like me, and you need to tell the truth lils its a dare" he played nicely

"Thats my boy" sirius whisper-yelled, everyone heard him

"Uhhhh............" lily didnt say anythings

"C'mon lils just say it"

"Ughh....okay fine, yeah i...i like you" she said and blushed

James just got up and kissed her which she returned it was a few seconds till they ended it

"Marley truth or dare" lily

"Dare of course" i said excitedly

"I dare you to slap sirius" she said and i was readdy for it

"Wait..wait but why me" sirius complained like a child

"Well considering the fact that you are the one who pranks us the most, not james or remus" lily said and i stode crawled up to him

Before my hand touches his cheeks he grabbed my wrist and kissed me, when he ended the kiss i used my other hand to slap him

I came back to where i was sitting
"Do you boys ever stop kissing" me and lily said at the same time

And we all laughed

"C'mon lets get going with the game" i said and the game went on, we stopped when james and lily were up for they're rounds

"Bye guys" they said and leaped out


Yayyyy another chapter done..........i am literally so happy right now 😅😅 the next chapter would be on james and lily i know this is a marlene fanfic but i cant stop myself


Black pheonix.............

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