□ □ really, really like you □ □

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Chapter 7

(But This picture of james is so hottttt)

●Sirius's pov●

It was it when everyone stopped crying and we were just standing there, i cought a look at marlene and all i could see was rage and grief

And suddenly there were three people coming from the dark..........................it was regulus, andromeda and narcissa

"What are you three doing here" i asked

"Oh for starters we used to live here" andromeda said but backed of when narcissa gave her a look, narcissa was the younger one but i guess she was more responsible one and andromeda was kinda the rebellious one

"Sirius its okay they were helping" marlene said

"Helping! How could they be helping, they fucking......killed your brother" i said with more recklessness then ever

"No we did not" regulus said "bellatrix did"

"Yeah but you were with her" james argued

"We wernt we were trying to help" andromeda said

"Yeah sure you were" i commented

"What are we still doing here lets go andromeda" regulus said to her but laude enough so we could hear

"Where are you going now" i asked more like stated

"Where ever the hell i want" regulus answerd

He started to leave when marlene called him

"Regulus, thanks for the help" she said softly

"Maybe you should tell him that we helped you and i sorry for your brother" he huffed

And they left except narcissa

"What are you still doing here" i asked'

"I live here" she replied and went to her room


●marlenes pov●

It was a 2 days have passed since all of that happened and We were back at hogwarts, tomorrow was malcolms funeral
I was sad ofcours and i was lying on my bed head down, trying not to think about anything

When lily came in and said
"Marls are you okay" she asked

"Nohhhhh" i said

"Well i brought you chocolates and some food seeing the fact that you didnt show up at dinner today" lily said kindly

"Thanks" i said getting up and seeing the big plate on my bedside table

"Woah that is to much food for" i said shocked

"Yeah well i brought some for me too i am not just gonna watch you eat such delicious food alone" lily replied

We ate and talked for a while when lily said she was tired i let her of my bed to her owns

It was past midnight and i still cant sleep, it seemed like ive been lying here forever, then i decide to go down in rhe common room

I was on the stairs when i caught a glimps of jet black hair, i have company, i thought to myself
As i walked a little more down in the common room i saw that it was sirius black

"Couldn't sleep" i asked

"Whaa....oh hey" he said "no i dont know i just dont feel like sleeping" he continued

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