□ □ leaving ceremony 2 □ □

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●marlenes pov●

After james and lily got back in the geeat hall, we were all called in to a chamber just beside the great hal, connected to it,the chamber was really big almost as big as the great hall

I can see all of the parents sitting, on the chairs with some of the chairs empty, probably for us

There was a big stage and i can see professor McGonagall stndinf on the end of it , on the left side. Wsiting for us

We stand in a line and to wait for her too call our name

"Isnt this the exact way we entered hogwarts professor McGonagall calling our names of the list" i smiled and said to them

"Yeah" was they're reply

"James potter" the professor called and james walked over to dumbledore and got a hogwarts certificate

The lily, then remus, then sirius, then alice and then finally me, i walked over to dumbledore who looked happy, he gave me my certificate, congratulated me, and moved to the saved spot for me to sit

And the students went on and on and on, then dumbledore stood up and said "now id like to see what my heads have prepared as a speech" he said and went back to his seat "shit i did not prepare anythings" james said from behind me "then just say anything" james and lily stood up and walked over to the stage, lily went first

'The day i got my letter was probably one of the most special day i ever had, not just because i was lucky to be  invited in this school, this world. But also because that was the day that changed practically every thing about my life, i got two amazing bestfriends. the marauders, which were, are really, really annoying and irritating. But also now a big part of my life
And most importantly, the one person i never thought i'd love so much, and never thought that i cant live a day with out him' she said looking at james and smiling, they are so cute!! 'And i'm so glad that i was chosen to be a part of this world and be blessed with amazing people' She finished ans everyone started clapping, sirius wolf whistled from beside me which made her blush

And now it was james's turn

●James' pov●

I lily gave such a beautiful speech, but now it was my turn and i did not know a single thing to say, but it didnt make me nervous or anything. Ill just say what comes to my mind, she came off the stage and stood beside me,so i kissed her, hard on the mouth before going up myself.
I stood on the stage and started my speech

I was five, when i used to think whats hogwarts gonna be like, or how would it feel like to be in it, and suddenly with a snap i was 11 and stood on the bench with the dusty old sorting hat on my head, it felt like i belong here, it felt so good to be here. But lets face the fact it wouldn't be so glorious without lily or the marauders, i remember the first time we met on the train all four of us sat in the same compartment with, slimy old snivellis' i said this and everyone chuckled a little bit 'we were mocking him about his greasy hair and because he wanted to be in the slytherin house, and it was so fun that he got up crying and went to sit somewhere else' i laughed a little bit myself 'and also the same day i saw this auburn haird, 4'11 ft tall, emreld green eyed, fair skinned girl walking past me and i fell in love with her since that day, i never thought i'd be so fortunate to have her like a girlfriend or even a friend. For past seven years she have been neglecting me and sirius have always said "she will come around sometimes" literally always. I can never imagine a life without you lily evans, i dont know if i even want to, after you said yes to be girlfriend this morning you have no idea how happy i was, i knew i want to feel like that everday, i want to wake up every morning to look at you and sleep with you beside me, i want to have a life with you, i dont know with this war going how much time we have left but all i know is i want to spend my every last breath with you, and i dont know if its a good time or a bad time right now but' i said walking down to her and kneeling in front of her taking out a small, red, ring box 'lily evans will you marry me' i said and saw her getting so excited and all. i heard a lot of cheering and whispering and saw a lot of coins passing but i didnt care, all i want to know right now was her answer, but she is too shocked to give me one

"Com' on lily yes or no" i said grinning like an idiot, and it was just then that she whispered 'yes' my insides were exploding right now, i can feel my heart missing beats

"A lil lauder" i smirked at her

"Yes, yes, yes, YES" she yelled jumping up and down, i can never be more happier then i am rigth now, i picked her up and started spining her with excitment,

"Uh, uh thank you our dear head boy and head girl, and congratulations james and lily" dumbledore said standing up and clapping laudly


Yes! It finally happened i am so excited to write the next chapter, its gonna be legit

Obviously dumbledore was really excited just as much as sirius cuz HE SHIPS THEM 🤩🤩 and ohhh i love literally love the way james proposed her it is a dream of me for them to have a happy life and i'll make sure to give them that

Sorry i couldn't give you all the jily troopes like, the love potion one or the Patronus reveal or anything like that but, i make sure they will have more exciting events in the future 😘😘


Black phoenix..............

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