□ □ boxing day □ □

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●Marlene's pov●

We were all sat on the lounge right now, with a big Christmas tree in one corner of the room

"So who is going first" mum asked

"Okay if you insist i can go first" sirius smiled and shrugged

"From flower i have a" he sat there lifeless from excitement when he saw the gift in his hands " a leather jacket.....huh....oh my god"

"I know right, you wont just shut up about it"

he was dancing around the room with his new leather jacket, but sat down for opening other gifts

"From james i have a" he said opening a big box wrapped with shimering wraping paper

"Okay, a box" he said opening the box inside it, it went on like that for three or four times

Then sirius picked out a bone from inside with and bursted into tears, happy tears and the second he got the bone out there was a laod of colorfull scrap papers raining over him, of course the other three marauders emptied a box over him, and he laughed

And then went on with everyone else's gifts, the second time he was this happy was becouse, mia and fleamont gave him a key of a motorcycle, a black one, which looked hot with his leather jacked

And then it was just left me who had to give him a gift, i pulled out a little paper bag with a nice design on it and a tiny, red card stuck to it with a red ribbon with 'to my dramatic dog" written on the card, which was quite a joke

And the it went on and on and on till it was me left to open my last gift from sirius

"Its a......." i was speechless by what i was seeing, it was a photo album with 'sirius & marlene' written on it

I opened it to see our photo's from 1st year till now, they were like small memories, i remember this one when it was me and sirius pranked everyone in the school everyone looked at us with red paints on them even Dumbledore with his beard colored pink

And this one when in our 5th year we were caught in a broom cupboard snogging and then cought by james, it was worth it

And definitely this one where in the start of 6th year when we started dating, i woke up on sirius's bed, drunk, really........it was more then just a memory, i can still imagine getting up and seeing him smiling at me, him watching me sleep, it was all epic

I found a lot of pictures in it and then just blank, to many blank pages "where are the other photo's" i asked him

"We can fill them up with new pictures.....right"

And on the last page there were a lot of papers loosly sat in the folders, i knew what it was the second i read the first word it was all of my and his letters, a lot of our secret conversations in the boring classes

And when i finished turning our picture i saw something written on the behind covers of the album........

'everyone needs a little sunshine in they're lives, these memories are my sunshine, because they are filled with you marlene mckinnon..........sirius black'

i read the last sentence under my breath and smiled more then usual, i am pretty sure everyone heard me

"Awwww" mia and mum said at the same time

Sirius came from behind me, turning me around he kissed me hard on the lips, "thanks" i said slowly so only he can hear, then he kissed me again "get a room" james yelled and we broke apart, i chucked a pillow from my side at james and everyone was now laughing

"Anybody pancakes" lily asked and everyone yelled "mee" or "yes" or "duh!"

She walked over to the kitchen to make the pancakes and i did too


I know......i know this is a boring chapter and a really short one but it took me a while to write i didnt even know what to do............yeah and that quote i know it wasnt that good but i madebit up in a car and i was in a hurry so dont blame me


Black phoenix................

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