□ □ new year drama □ □

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●Marlene's pov●

After a very short christmas it was new years eve today, i cant believe its the end of the year , i mean where did the whole year go.

We were all sat in a living room, all of us just being together, i guess thats how the whole Christmas and new year holiday's went

Yesterday we were all outside at the pool. Day before that we had a quiddich match. And the one before that we went to a new fancy coffee shop that opened last week down the road

We were all laughing when suddenly  a laude crash was heard from the door-way of the main door, all of our heads turned to that sound, we all stood up with our wands clutched in our hands when a girl with sandy blond hair arrived from behind the walls

"Sorry about the vase" it was lydia lupin, remus's younger sister

"Lydia!" We all yelled in surprise at her and ran towards her, its been age's since we all met her. She was sent to ilvermony when she was 12, visits us every christmas. This year she is transferring to hogwarts this year, her's and remus's grandparents were attacked by deatheaters and under unfortunate circumstances they faced death

"When did you get here" remus asked her when we all were settled down cozily

"An hour ago maybe 2" she said

"So why didnt you came here earlier" i asked

"Oh i actually met a friend, had a coffee with him, came home, freshened up, and came here"

"Wait did you say HE" lily asked

"Maybe" she shrugged and we all continued with are conversation

After half an hour or so there was another crash which we didnt care to give any attention, then again, and again and we all got curious

James got up to see who it was "james be carefull" mia said "probably someone again more clumsy then lydia here"

He reached the door way and the lights went off, okay this is seriously creepy. There was a flash of green light with the enchantments of 'avada kedavra' which james luckily dodged and now we all stood up with our wands in our hands again

"Expeliarmes" james yelled which was of no use, because there was a flash of blue light with the enchantment of 'Petrificus totalus' which james couldn't possibly dodge and he was lying on the floor

The thing that was throw
throwing those spells came in veiw and all i could see was people wearing silver masks and black cloths no sign of any color on they're  body, ther were multiple of them 15 maybe 20

And in just a second we all started duelling them one by one, james was still lying on the floor

I fought 2 of them at ones and it wasnt pretty hard, i heard curses and spells flying around the house and colored lights were thrown at everyone and it was more like 10, 20 minuts past that all of it was over we all ran towards james who was still lying on the floor

Mia did a curse that healed him, he sat up straight and cluched lilys hands tightly, he doesnt really look like james

"Oh lily i wish to see you everytime i wake up" he said with a cocky smirk, okay scratch that he is still the same james

And lily kissed him hard on the lips, i never knew that this day would ever happen, that i would see lily evans kiss james freaking potter

They broke apart and and we saw there was one person who hadn't left yet........it was bellatrix black, oh no the last time this happened it wasn't so pleasant

"I have a message for you from the dark lord" she yelled and we all turned to her

"What do you want" i yelled

"Join him or die, you have a choice, choose wisely" she said and pointed her wand at sirius and chanted a curse at him which i was familiar with................the Cruciatis curse

"This is a warning, if you wont join you mustn't stand against him......" she said and sirius fall on the floor just like james did but with more blood all over his boody, cuts a bruises staining him

Tears running down my eyes, he looked half life-less, and i remembered the day my brother died the same way

"I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SUFFER THE WORST DEATH" james yelled at bellatrix "i will kill you" he said and then she vanished

There was a crack and dumbledor came appeared with alastor moody the great auror, ted tonks, andromeda black, regulus black, and i gay wearing a blue funky robe wih a piercing in one of his ear

"I think we should get sirius to st.Mungo's quickly" dumbledore said

"Brother" regulus said under his breath but it was laud enough for us alk to hear

"So how do we get there" james asked

"James, only the adults go, you all should be here with kingsley it will be safe" he said "regulus, andromeda your staying here too" he continued

"But i have to go" james argued but of course he was denied by dumbledore

"Professor. Dumbledore please just get him there safely" i cried and all the adults disapparated with sirius


That is it for this chapter..........(i dont know why i do this every chapter)

This one took a while seeing i hadnt any inspiration and now i DO, like i have alot of inspiration hahaha

James is being in some serious time.........ikr


Black phoenix...............

◇arcane◇▪︎marlene mckinnonWhere stories live. Discover now