Chapter Two

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SERAYAH MCclain || Later that night.
Chicago Illinois, Parkway Gardens

I sat still on the bed scrolling through instagram, while Kiara curled the last of my wig. The night came quickly and here we were getting ready to head to the strip club.

Erien had hooked me up with a fake ID so I could get in. I was kind of shaky about this whole thing at first, but I have nothing to worry about since they go there on certain weekends and uses their fake ID.

"Okay mua is finished" Kiara said, grabbing the spray bottle and sprayed a tan on the wig. "It's giving what it is supposed to give"

I lifted up from the bed and went to take a look in the mirror.

"Thank you so much, your aunt would faint if she saw what you did" I told her, placing my phone inside my purse.

"I already know," Kiara replied, walking towards the closet and grabbing a pair of heels "Here, wear these. They go right with your black leather leggings" she held them up.

"Now you know I can't walk in heels right? Flats would do, could you give me a pair of them" I asked.

"Girl I don't wear no flats" she laughed "So you're going to wear these. I'm telling you they match your fit" she smirked, handing me the heels.

I smacked my lips and sat back down on the bed to put them on.

"You know Rah, you really have to loosen up a bit. This isn't Beverly, you're free to try out new things and do what you want, especially since you're 18." She ranted.

I looked up at her and she was now doing her makeup. "And the strip club is the place where you'll start. You're going to wear those heels and have fun" she smiled.

"Knock knock" Aunt Vivica knocked and entered the room. She looked at me and smiled "You look so beautiful"

"Thank you Aunt Viv" I cheesed like a schoolgirl, whose crush just talked to them for the first time.

"How about me momma?" How do I look?" Kiara asks, doing a 360 spin "I'm getting thicker and thicker" she bragged.

"You look how you look chile" Aunt Vivica chuckled, waving her off.

"Ma stop playing, you know I look good" she smacked her lips and rolled her eyes.

"You know I'm just playing girl, you both look good" Aunt Vivica said "And you both better be back here before one o'clock or I'm not opening the door" she said before leaving out.

"Like I care? That's what keys are for duh" Kiara said "Anyways Rah are you ready? Erien nem outside in the car waiting" she asked, glancing at me.

"Yeah I'm ready" I responded, lifting up from the bed, feeling a inch taller.

We left out the door and made our way to Erien's car. Her and Myla were standing around taking pictures.

I went ahead and got in the backseat. I know I'm not the only one who doesn't take pictures like that, but videos are another story.

"I don't see why you didn't want to take any pictures Serayah, you look good girl" Erien said, as she got in the car, starting it up and driving off.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"When we pull up to the store to get some cigars, I'll take her one" Kiara said.

And not even minutes later, we pulled up to the store. There were already a lot of cars parked. I squinted my eyes out the window seeing people taking pictures.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 || 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐕𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now