Chapter 31 | The Council

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Balthazar ran a hand over his face, irritated. "As I have made clear previously, I have been commanded by his Majesty to remain silent about such things." It may have been Neith who had posed the question, but Balthazar's eyes settled on Ragnar instead. "I cannot divulge any information- regardless of what you may have heard."

Ragnar snorted in disgust but was unable to refute him. The command was the command, after all.

"And what of General Vandor?" Ragnar did not falter for long however, turning his attention quickly to the General, who was still leaning silently against the wall in the corner of the room. "You have only recently discovered the girl's existence as well. Does the General have any insights to offer?"

Vandor's light green eyes narrowed. "Are you asking me to speak out against the actions of my King, Ragnar?"

"Of course not," this time it was Neith who spoke. The tall female flicked her long black hair over her shoulder, reclining back in her chair indolently. Her black eyes glittered with amusement as she assessed the defensive posture of the General. "But Vandor, I cannot see you being at peace with this matter. She is a Silvon after all."

A muscle in Vandor's jaw twitched, and he stared at Neith for a moment longer, before decisively looking away. "The choices of my King, are not mine to question." He said curtly.

Neith let out a light laugh, her tone smug. "Ever the compliant solider, I see- in front of others anyway."

Beside Neith, Elaine sighed quietly. Her pale blue eyes glanced at Balthazar, taking in the old lycan's irritated appearance, before she addressed the one across the table who had yet to speak. "Weylyn," she asked gently, "what do you think?"

Elaine's words drew attention to the colossal lycan sitting opposite her, who until now had remained silent. As though her words had roused him from stupor, Weylyn blinked languidly into awareness, his deep brown eyes fathomless in their depths. It was a moment before the question Elaine had poised registered with him, and yet, despite the heated tempers of those gathered, no one attempted to hasten his reply.

Weylyn shifted in his seat, the chair beneath his massive form creaking in protest. His heavily scarred arms folded across his chest, and he frowned lightly. When he spoke, his voice was a deep rumble that reverberated around the room. "If his Majesty is avoiding this meeting, it can only mean that he has his own plans." He spoke steadily, his words directed at Elaine alone.

The petite female offered a light smile in reply. "Insightful as always, Weylyn," she praised gently.

Beside her, Neith huffed. "Elaine, why don't you ever speak to me so sweetly?" She complained.

"Because you are a brute, dear." Elaine replied primly, causing Neith to let out a choking noise of disbelief. "As Weylyn says," Elaine continued, "if his Excellency does not wish to convene, it means that he has nothing more to share." Ragnar made a noise of protest, but she held up a hand to silence him. At the same time, her blue eyes narrowed, her expression a sharp contrast to her previously rather benevolent expression. "However. If he does not wish to clarify, then he is expressing that we are free to draw our own conclusions with the information we have been given."

Balthazar supressed a groan, while at the same time, Ragnar's eyes lit up.

"I'll draw conclusion's alright," Ragnar raged, his tone affronted, "his Majesty has been concealing the child from us ever since she was found. If Elaine had not sensed a shift in the perimeters around Aelin, then we would still be unknowing!" The lycan looked fiercely around the table, as though daring the opinion to be challenged. "So, my question, is when exactly did his Majesty plan on informing us about the existence of a Silvon? And what does he plan to do with her? Surely he knows that the other Houses will expect her to take over the throne from him. Is he so self-destructive?"

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