viii. rumblehorn grumblehorn

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𖣯 ✹ 🌷(makligr) ꏍ !┈─❟
╰───►chapter eight; yrsa
❝ rumblehorn grumblehorn!

     WHEN YRSA settled for a life away from home at Dragon's Edge, she expected crazy━living anywhere with the Twins just across the wooden walks was bound to be stressful and anything but peaceful. But she expected to at least have a good night's sleep, in her own bed, away from everyone to just rest and reset her social trough for the next morning. She didn't expect having to sleep, awkward and annoyed in the Club House with everyone else, waiting for the moment the alarm would be set off━

     That alarm would be Snotlout screaming with his backside on fire. 

     Yrsa gasped awake, flinging forward and annoying Helrose who jumped, startled. Snotlout screamed, running around the Club House centre in search of the water bucket they kept just for him. "AHHH! Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Ow! Ow! Ow! OW!" he dragged his behind against the wood past Yrsa. She shared a scowl with her dragon. "That's the third time this week!"

     Annoyed, Yrsa just kicked the bucket of water over from beside her, and it doused Snotlout from head to toe. He fell back, letting out a long sigh of relief. His head lolled to the side and he gave Yrsa a dumb grin. "Thanks, babe━" she kicked the bucket at him again and he screeched, holding up his arms to avoid being hit in the face. 

     Hiccup got to his feet as the shock of being woken up dispersed and he realised what the alarm had been set for again in the first place. "The Rumblehorn!" he rushed to the map hammered onto the wall. He scanned the many traps and found the one triggered. "It's headed for the Eastern beach! Come on, you guys!"

     Exhausted and groaning, the Riders ran to their dragons and jumped onto the saddles. They followed Hiccup through the very early morning towards the beach on the East side of the island. With her torch raised, Yrsa could see a figure swinging in the net from a large, thick tree as they came closer.

      They landed, hearing the sounds of very angry, muffled struggling. The net shook and swung━the Rumblehorn was far from happy.

      However, considering the damage they've found ... this figure looked rather small in comparison to what Yrsa had imagined the dragon to be. 

      "Finally!" sighed Hiccup as they landed. "We got it!"

     Yrsa slipped off her saddle and held the torch higher, trying to see. Hiccup rushed to her side, "Everybody stay back," he warned. 

     The Twins ignored him and just walked right up. Tuffnut frowned, he took a whiff━ "I didn't think it would be so smelly."

     Ruffnut arched a brow. She held up her own torch. "I didn't think it would be so hairy?"

     Then, to their shock, the trapped dragon began to speak. "You try shaving with a hook for an arm!"

      Yrsa shone the torch closer, and slumped in annoyance. It wasn't the Rumblehorn. They had captured a very angry, very smelly, and apparently very hairy, Gobber the Belch. 

      Tuffnut gasped with horror. "The Rumblehorn talks! Quick, smack it!"

     "Cut me down, you simpleton!"

      Yrsa didn't want to cut him down. In fact, she wanted to keep him trapped up there for a little while longer. It was funny. She hid her smirk, eyes sparkling in the light of her fire with a mischevious mirth. 

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